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Saturday, September 27, 2008

Ultimate Belly Fat Loss - The Secret Triad

The Secret Triad of Belly Fat Loss

I remember years ago while I was stretching in the sauna after a workout, an older gent asked me, "how did you manage to get those abs? I workout 6 days a week, do lots of crunchs and leglifts and run almost from dusk to dawn it seems and I can't get rid of this roll!"

"Maybe you're trying too hard", I told him.

There are 3 basic secrets to melting away body fat and none of them include killing yourself 4-5 hours a day, 6-7 days a week for months on end! There are 3 basic secrets to superior fitness, and a body you(and others) can LOVE, and none of the trio require tons of expensive equipment.

There IS a "trick" though. I can hear you now, "AHA! I KNEW it! Here comes the excuse!"

No, there's no excuse, no escape clause, just FACT! If you want to burn away that gross belly fat
YOU HAVE TO DO ALL 3 TOGETHER! You can NOT use one of the trio twice as much to "substitute" for another you don't want to practice. It doesn't work that way. You MUST use the three together.

1) Eat well. I'm not saying do a "diet", I'm saying you must eat well and in balance. More damage has been done to bodies and spirits by the diet gurus who only want to sell you pills, plans & books. Eat well and you can eat plenty and still develop that sleek outline! How does THAT sound? Look around, search out the "intel" on proper nutrition.

2)Stretch. Yes, stretch! I can't even begin to count how many athletes and trainers I have known that have totally forgotten or given up on this basic building block of fitness! It's especially important as you begin to warm up. The activity of stretching allows better flow within the arteries, veins and capillaries that deliver precious oxygen & fuel to your muscle fibers and whisk away the wastes created during and after your workout. And after the fact, you will save yourself cramping and other discomforts with a stretching routine. I know, you're thinking "No one else has mentioned that this is important". I know they haven't mentioned stretching much, if at all, but I have played and coached baseball, basketball, soccer, ice hockey, cycling and triathlon and I'll guarantee you that if you get a muscle or ligament strain or tear because you haven't stretched, you're out of the game!

It's especially true for losing body fat. You hurt yourself too much and you just might give up trying to lose that body fat. I know people it's happened to and you might know some also!

3)To lose body fat more quickly, change up your workouts. If you've been running the treadmill, everyday, hour after hour and you're not losing that body fat, it's because your body has adapted to your workout. You have to "shock" your system to restart the process of losing that belly fat. If you have been trudging through the same old(now boring) workout day in and day, change up your workouts and dial it back. Make it fun again; changing it up will do that and get you back on that "lose body fat" track.

These 3 basics you MUST use if you are to lose body fat, including losing that last roll of belly fat. You can't skip one and double up on another; they work together to allow you to gain fitness while you burn off body fat.

Be well, live well, have fun!

Your journey to fitness will be much for enjoyable and effective if you have the proper direction. I highly recommend BellyFatTactics.com to give you more invaluable tips to lose belly fat and increase your fitness.

Click here to discover the #1 secret to permanent weight loss

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