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Sunday, September 28, 2008

Fat Loss 4 Life

If you've ever tried to lose weight and have been successful, then you know that the initial weight loss is only half of the battle... Most people that lose weight, gain it all back; it's sad but true. Just because you change your diet and lose the weight doesn't mean that it's going to stay off forever; you have to maintain that diet for the rest of your life or the weight will continually come back no matter how many diets you try.

What you need to do is create a natural schedule and stick to it... It must be like brushing your teethe, you don't even think about it, you just do it. Whether it's eat right or exercising you have to get into a permanent routine. Stuff isn't just going to fall into place; weight isn't just going to be lost like your car keys, it need to be burned off.

One way to keep the fat off is by shifting your calories around so that your metabolism speeds up and stays at that level like it did when you were a young child. You can watch your calorie intake and switch it up day to day and eat the right foods; this will cause you to lose weight and stay thin once you lose the weight.

The number one thing you have to do is just keep the temptation away from yourself... Don't put cigarettes near a smoker, don't put alcohol near a drinker, and don't put junk food in front of someone who loves to eat!

Learn how to lose 9 lbs. every 11 days with calorie shifting: Full Story Here


Click here to discover the #1 secret to permanent weight loss

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