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Monday, September 29, 2008

Exercise Programs For Fat Loss - What You Should Know

Some workout programs say they are designed for fat loss but are based on such outdated scientific data that you'll be lucky to burn any fat at all. And the sad part is, many of these exercise programs claiming to burn fat have been used time and again without producing results.

Lets go over what you should look for when choosing exercise programs to get rid of fat...

When most people think of exercise programs for fat loss, they think of aerobic exercise. I mean aerobic activities like jogging, biking, rowing, etc. done at a pace which allows your body to use oxygen for energy. The problems is, these exercise programs are long, boring and ineffective for reaching your fat reduction goals.

First of all, training programs that rely solely on aerobic activities assume that burning fat during the workout is enough to burn off fat. The problem is, once you stop doing the aerobic exercise, you stop burning fat.

Secondly, exercising with the focus on aerobic activities fail to realize your body adapts to the exercise over a short period of time. So, while you might burn fat in the beginning, the amount of fat you lose quickly grinds to a halt. The last thing you want to do is choose workout program that teaches your body not to burn fat.

Choose fat burning exercise programs that are a combination of resistance training and high intensity energy system training. But avoid your typical weight training.

Don't even look at programs that are based on "bodybuilding" weight training combined with aerobic activity. These kinds of exercise programs for fat loss are used in almost every commercial gym in existence... and have proven time and again to fail to produce significant results for the majority of people. And while these exercise prescriptions work for bodybuilders... they spends hours in the gym most days of the week. (Something you probably won't be doing.)

To get the fat losing results you want, you need to look for exercise programs created by experienced fitness professionals ALREADY getting great results. They work with real people who get real fat loss results... so they know which programs work best for the majority of people.

Coach Eddie Lomax knows your fat loss workout routine needs to have certain characteristics in order to burn fat. He uses this criteria to rate the best fat loss workouts of trusted trainers on: http://www.bestfatlossworkout.com

Find your best fat loss workout routine and get rid of belly fat fast starting today.

Click here to discover the #1 secret to permanent weight loss

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