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Sunday, September 28, 2008

The Basic Rules of Successful Body Fat Loss

If you are setting out to loose weight and burn fat, then you should follow a regime that combines both a sensible exercise program, and balanced diet. It should be a permanent change of lifestyle and not a short term change to loose weight. Not affecting long term change or embarking on a nutritionally suspect fad diet may see you loose weight initially, but can ultimately lead to weight gain. This is because as soon as your diet stops, and you return to your normal eating pattern and lack of exercise, your body will tend to enter famine mode and start to store more fat to prepare for the next diet phase. These short term unhealthy changes to diet and exercise levels lead to a yo-yo up and down weight loss weight gain cycle, that not only leaves you heavier, but can also seriously damages your health.

Your food intake should aim to be a healthy balance of carbohydrates, proteins, and fats to keep your metabolism firing on all cylinders, and constantly burning fat.

Complex carbohydrates (whole grains, breads, cereals, etc.) are vital to maintaining your energy throughout the day, and do a host of other things within your body, including keeping you feeling full. We can also lump fruits in with complex carbohydrates, because of their high fiber content and slow absorption into the blood stream. This also keeps our insulin level in check, which is important for less fat storage, and a higher chance of burning stored fat.

Simple carbohydrates, or sugars (sweets, carbonated soft drinks, white processed baked goods, etc.) are best avoided or at the very least kept to a minimum. They provide little nutritional value to you and are just empty calories. These types of food are going to end up in your fat stores if you're not careful about how much you ingest.

Avoid long periods of moderate exercise, such as long aerobic workouts, as this burns fat which when exercise stops your body tries to replace. Much better to do intensive 15 to 20 minute exercise workouts, as hard exercise makes the body burn carbohydrates instead of fat during the workout, and will cause your body to use its fat stores to replenish the burned carbohydrates over the next 24 hours, after the workout is done. This type of work will also increase your reserve capacity, and thus your ability to handle all types of stress, leading to lasting health and fitness, and 24/7 fat burning.

Following these simple rules and avoiding fad diets, concentrating more on lifestyle change. Will lead you to successful weight loss, reduced body fat storage, and improving health.

Tony Kitson worked for 10 years as a diet and fitness advisor, During which time he formed many opinions on what works and what doesn't work, when you are trying to burn fat and loose weight. you can find more information from his website. http://thefatburninginferno.com

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