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Sunday, September 28, 2008

Sleeping Your Way to Fat Loss

Excess pounds have a way of sneaking up on us; it seems that as if overnight we can go from a petite size to flabby. And at that point we wonder what happened. We do not remember eating more than before or getting any less exercise so we are baffled when we cannot fit into our favorite clothes comfortably. It truly does not seem that anything has changed in our life except our weight.

But if we really analyze our lives we might find that perhaps something has changed. Not only have we gained a few or in some cases a lot of pounds, but we have also aged. Other changes have also occurred along the way. We have probably gotten busier with our work and our family life.

We may have some health issues that we deal with now that were non-existent before. Whatever the case may be, if we take a close look we are likely to find several changes have occurred over the years.

One of the changes that are often overlooked is our sleep patterns. Consider and compare the way you sleep now to the way you slept years ago. Obviously sufficient rest is essential to having the energy needed to feeling refreshed during the day.

Without getting enough rest you may not feel rejuvenated much less feel like adding in any physical activities. And without physical activities you are not going to burn the calories needed to stay fit and trim.

Additionally, if you are feeling tired and run down you are more likely to eat foods that are quick and easy to prepare. Those same foods are usually also higher in fat content and thus, add to your problems.

So when you are concerned with shedding a few pounds insure that you are getting adequate sleep. This will enable you to participate fully in physical activities and you will have the energy needed to plan and prepare low fat meals.

For a free report on metabolism and information about how you can lose 9 pounds every 11 days please visit: http://fatlossquick.blogspot.com You will find links from there to the actual product. For additional information about weight loss check out http://fitinsidenout.com/WeightLoss.html Debbie C. Allen is an Internet marketer and a writer.

Click here to discover the #1 secret to permanent weight loss

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