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Sunday, September 28, 2008

Fat Loss Genie

If you have ever been the typical yo yo dieter where you have lost a few pounds only to put it back on again, then you are not alone. People everywhere are trying diets with little or no success and all thats lost at the end of the day is self esteem and quite often - a lot of money!

The Fat Loss Genie plan is different. You would not say it s a diet - it makes you change the way your food it eaten.

The Author of this book David McGimpsey was just a typical person who had tried all the diets going. Like a good deal of people, he fell by the wayside on more that one occasion for a number of different reasons:

  • The diets are more like a starvation plan
  • They seriously cramped his lifestyle
  • Easy to fall off the wagon and go back to the old eating ways
  • Any weight lost quickly went back on once he started eating normally again

David is not a dietitian or a health professional, but after years of doing what the industry told him to do, and after years and years of coming up without any real results, he decided to do his own research and find out the real facts behind losing weight.

He decided to skip out on all the medical books and research articles and do things his own way. He interviewed people that he knew who had never dieted before a day in their life. The people that he had envied for so many years.

He asked them questions about what they ate, how they ate it and when they ate it. Surprisingly he found out that they all had one thing in common... and it didn't have a thing to do with a "high metabolism" like everyone thinks.

These people don't know that they are doing anything different from the rest of us; they didn't realize they held the key to weight loss success. They were just living their lives and thinking that they were lucky.

But the more people he interviewed and the more he studied and researched their habits, he realized that it was the way they ate their food that caused them to be slender, not what they ate or how much they ate.

David then put the "skinny people" eating habits into effect in his own life. He didn't cut any calories or deny himself of any food... he just made some changes to the way he ate his food.
Amazing results followed and David was able to lose weight easily and keep it off.

The information and lessons that David learned have now been put into the Fat Loss Genie Book.

For more information on the plan and a link to the Website where you can purchase the book, please visit:


Click here to discover the #1 secret to permanent weight loss

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