loss fat

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Diabetes health

Asthma health

Monday, September 29, 2008

4 Aerobics Secrets For Fat Loss Without Losing Muscle

Using aerobics for fat loss without losing muscle is very important otherwise you will never get a well-toned, leaner, sexier body.

Losing muscle has more to do with inadequate diet than with excessive aerobics.

If you suspect you are losing muscle there are four likely causes:

  1. You are not eating enough protein. Protein is the only nutrient that is used to build muscle. You should eat 5-6 meals containing protein every day. These meals should be spaced 3 hours apart from each other.
  2. Your carbohydrates are too low. This is very important because low carb diets also use up protein. This means you can consume huge amounts of protein but if your carbs is to low, you will also lose muscle.
  3. You are not eating enough calories. This is a huge mistake because the body goes into starvation mode and this causes the metabolism to slow down and then the body start burning muscle tissue to conserve energy
  4. Only doing aerobic exercises without doing weight training will result in muscle loss. It is important to understand that muscle growth happens as a result of weight training.

So the truth is you would rather lose muscle from not eating enough than from doing aerobic exercise. People think they will lose muscle during cardio but as long as you combine cardio and weight training with good nutritional eating habits, you'll lose fat and gain muscle.

As you can see aerobics for fat loss is definitely a very good thing because it can enhance your recovery from weight training by promoting blood flow and oxygen transport to your muscles.

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Exercise Programs For Fat Loss - What You Should Know

Some workout programs say they are designed for fat loss but are based on such outdated scientific data that you'll be lucky to burn any fat at all. And the sad part is, many of these exercise programs claiming to burn fat have been used time and again without producing results.

Lets go over what you should look for when choosing exercise programs to get rid of fat...

When most people think of exercise programs for fat loss, they think of aerobic exercise. I mean aerobic activities like jogging, biking, rowing, etc. done at a pace which allows your body to use oxygen for energy. The problems is, these exercise programs are long, boring and ineffective for reaching your fat reduction goals.

First of all, training programs that rely solely on aerobic activities assume that burning fat during the workout is enough to burn off fat. The problem is, once you stop doing the aerobic exercise, you stop burning fat.

Secondly, exercising with the focus on aerobic activities fail to realize your body adapts to the exercise over a short period of time. So, while you might burn fat in the beginning, the amount of fat you lose quickly grinds to a halt. The last thing you want to do is choose workout program that teaches your body not to burn fat.

Choose fat burning exercise programs that are a combination of resistance training and high intensity energy system training. But avoid your typical weight training.

Don't even look at programs that are based on "bodybuilding" weight training combined with aerobic activity. These kinds of exercise programs for fat loss are used in almost every commercial gym in existence... and have proven time and again to fail to produce significant results for the majority of people. And while these exercise prescriptions work for bodybuilders... they spends hours in the gym most days of the week. (Something you probably won't be doing.)

To get the fat losing results you want, you need to look for exercise programs created by experienced fitness professionals ALREADY getting great results. They work with real people who get real fat loss results... so they know which programs work best for the majority of people.

Coach Eddie Lomax knows your fat loss workout routine needs to have certain characteristics in order to burn fat. He uses this criteria to rate the best fat loss workouts of trusted trainers on: http://www.bestfatlossworkout.com

Find your best fat loss workout routine and get rid of belly fat fast starting today.

Click here to discover the #1 secret to permanent weight loss

Optimal Fat Loss - High Intensity Interval Training

What is high intensity interval training and can I really lose more fat following this routine? Many have said that optimal fat loss should be done at a lower intensity level and longer duration. Most people assume that doing aerobics for 40-60 minutes is the proper way to burn fat efficiently. In actual fact, when you do aerobics for that long, you are training at a lower intensity level. Also, after you are done your workout your metabolism stays elevated for up to an hour after you finish. With high intensity interval training, your metabolism will stay elevated for about 24 hours! Alright I'll be discussing why high intensity interval training can help you burn up to 50% more calories and the reasoning behind this madness!

First thing, let me discuss some calculations between low and high intensity exercising. Low intensity exercising is classified of having 60% to 65% of your maximum heart rate. With high intensity exercise you are working about 75% to 85% of your maximum heart rate. To make things simple we will assume that person is 20 years old.


220- (your age) = maximum heart rate

From our formula, we know our maximum heart rate is 200. So, working at 60% of your maximum heart rate would be 120 bpm (beats per minute) and 80% of that would be 160 bpm. With those numbers low intensity burns 50% fat for energy and high intensity burns 40% fat for energy. So, right now it seems low intensity training is the proper way to train? Ok, lets go a little deeper comparing both training methods. A person walks for about 30 minutes burning 150 calories. We then calculate 50% of 150 calories is 75 fat calories burned. Now, lets say that person does high intensity training for 15 minutes burning 240 calories. So, 40% of 240 calories is 96 fat calories burned! We have just determined that high intensity is done in half the time and it is also burning an extra 21 fat calories! On top of that, I've already discussed that your metabolism will stay elevated for about 24 hours with high intensity training.

Now you are thinking to yourself, how is it done? Say you are jogging outside and you'll begin with a light jog or brisk walking to warm up. After a few minutes of getting blood flow throughout your body, you'll begin your high intensity interval training. Next you'll run for about 2-3 minutes and then walk for about 1 minute and a half. You'll repeat this a few times depending on how intense you want to continue. That's it and high intensity interval training can be applied to any form of cardiovascular exercise. You name it and it can be applied towards walking, jogging, running, biking, etc.

So why are more people not following this type of training method? Some people are just misinformed and the way they are exercising it will just take them longer to get to their goals. In some cases, its hard enough to exercise and a lot of people just feel comfortable training at a low intensity level. Also, most personal trainers find it a low risk to their clients and its very generic. The personal trainers feel they wont be blamed if their clients get injured since they may be inexperienced. It is true that exercising at a lower intensity level will burn a higher percentage of calories from fat than high intensity but it will not burn more fat. Don't get me wrong and its great people are exercising. All I am doing is just addressing the best productive way to get the most out of your workouts as efficiently as possible. We all have a busy lifestyle so every second counts and I truly understand that we have our own career, friends, and family to take care of. Besides training hard, most importantly I want everyone to train smarter!

Richard Chan is a Health and Fitness Life Coach promoting harmonization with the mind, body, and soul. An individual that is keen in precision training to his clients resulting in optimal results. An experienced trainer that has coached police personnel, firefighters and athletes in periodization. In addition, he will introduce Qi Gong to his clients so they will maximize their training potential. This involves an understanding of exercising their internal health and controlled breathing.

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Fat Loss 4 Idiots - What Does It Promise And What Does It Deliver

One the most popular online diet programs on the web today is the fat loss 4 idiots program. What are the main features of the fat loss 4 idiots diet? What does it promise the people who use it? Who should use it? It is important to know these things before choosing a diet.

The promise: The fat loss 4 idiots diet promises that you will lose 9 lbs every 11 day cycle.

Results: 9 lbs. is an average. Some start slower than others and pick up the pace later. Lets be honest. 6 lbs. in 11 days (a common result) is a very good weight loss.

Method: Shifting Calories. By rotating what you eat you maintain a high metabolism creating a fast fat burning process. This is done by creating a personal specialized menu. The menu is created by the program's menu generator.

Menu Generator: a unique software program which is included in the diet when you order it. You type in the sort of food you like to eat and the generator gives you a menu which takes into account your preferences but also ensures a continuous fat burning process by shifting your calories.

Price: Usually 78$, but there is a limited time offer of 50% off, so if you hurry it's only 39$.

Customer satisfaction rate: There is a 97% reported customer satisfaction rate.

What do you get when you order fat loss 4 idiots: The menu Generator and the Idiot Proof Diet Handbook which includes additional fat losing tips as well as 10 fundamental rules of fat loss.

Who should use it: Anyone who is overweight, wants to lose weight fast and to maintain the weight loss in the future.

To read a detailed account of this program go to: fat loss diet review

John Davenport lost over 30 pounds in his twenties after being overweight most of his life. He is an advocate of safe dieting and fitness. To read more about fat loss 4 idiots http://www.squidoo.com/fatloss4idiotsdiet

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Fat Loss 4 Idiots An Honest Review

Fat Loss 4 Idiots is a new diet program that claims you can lose 9lbs in 11 days, although if you ask any nutritionist they will say that any more than 3 or 4lbs in this time is dangerous.

So does the Fat Loss 4 Idiots work? Well this is my independent review of the Fat Loss 4 Idiots program.

As mentioned above 9lbs of weight loss in just 11 days is quite fast weight loss, so first like me explain the system that the Fat Loss 4 Idiots diet uses:

The Fat Loss 4 Idiots diet is like any other diet except it is based around metabolism. The way it claims to work is that the human body is quite clever and will memorizes the calories and foods of the past days and speed up or slow down accordingly.

Also the body builds up a tolerance to some foods and puts them in a scale of what to burn first and what to burn slower. The way the body normally works is by burning the calories first and then the fat.

The points above is suppose to be why most traditional diet programs sometimes do not work that well. If you limit your calorie for months with a normal diet your body will adjust accordingly and the metabolism will not burn as much fat as you think therefore you will not loser much weight.

The way the Fat Loss 4 Idiots Diet works is not by watching the calories you are taking in but is based around a calorie eating pattern.

Obviously the next question is how does it work? Well, that is the million dollar question and the Fat Loss 4 Idiots diet secret so I can't tell you in this review.

The idea is that you will teach your body to remember your calorie intake, then you suddenly change your calorie intake. This leads the body to make changes in your favor with the calorie burning. For instance if you were taking in 2,000 calories a day and suddenly change to 1,000 calories the body says I thought we were on 2,000 calories a day? and thinks it must start burning more fat!

That is the general gist of the Fat Loss 4 Idiots diet but you will need to know more like How long does the body need to memorize the calorie intake? And What different types of calories are there and which ones do I use?

In conclusion I would say the Fat Loss 4 Idiots is worth a look if you have found that conventional diets are not working for you!

Jean Daniels used to suffer with her weight but after finally getting her weight under control she enjoys helping other people and teaching about weight loss.

For more info on how you can drop 9lbs of weight every 11 days without fail! Click The Link Below:

Fat Loss 4 Idiots

Click here to discover the #1 secret to permanent weight loss

Aerobic Fat Loss Secrets

Aerobic fat loss secrets that will change you from a complete newbie into a seasoned fitness guru. The most important things you need to know are the following:

The Fat Burning Zone

To lose fat with aerobics you need to exercise within the far burning zone. This is the zone where you perform at a certain level where your body loses fat. There is a formula to work out this zone.

Here it is: Fat burning zone=220-(Your Age) x (.75)

I'll take myself as example. I'm 38 years so the formula would look like this. 220 - 38 x .75 = 136.5

This gives me a good starting point at what my heart should beat per minute (136.5) during exercise.

The Best Time To Perform Aerobic Activity

In the morning on an empty stomach is the best time for aerobic performance. You lose 300% more body fat if you perform during this time because your body doesn't have any glycogen to burn. What is important to remember is that you must drink water to prevent dehydration

Good Forms Of Aerobic Activity

Any form of activity that raises your heartbeat into the fat burning zone is acceptable. You can do some fast walking, jogging, cycling, jumping, climbing stairs, etc...

This makes aerobic exercise very suitable for many different situations. Lots of people just don't have time or money to go to a gym and this way they can also reap all the benefits without spending money.

How Long Should An Exercise Session Be

A good aerobic exercise session should last about 20-40 minutes. Remember it's not your goal to exercise until you fall flat on your face. That is for the movies and not real life.

These aerobic fat loss tips will help you enjoy your aerobic efforts a lot more.

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The Basic Rules of Successful Body Fat Loss

If you are setting out to loose weight and burn fat, then you should follow a regime that combines both a sensible exercise program, and balanced diet. It should be a permanent change of lifestyle and not a short term change to loose weight. Not affecting long term change or embarking on a nutritionally suspect fad diet may see you loose weight initially, but can ultimately lead to weight gain. This is because as soon as your diet stops, and you return to your normal eating pattern and lack of exercise, your body will tend to enter famine mode and start to store more fat to prepare for the next diet phase. These short term unhealthy changes to diet and exercise levels lead to a yo-yo up and down weight loss weight gain cycle, that not only leaves you heavier, but can also seriously damages your health.

Your food intake should aim to be a healthy balance of carbohydrates, proteins, and fats to keep your metabolism firing on all cylinders, and constantly burning fat.

Complex carbohydrates (whole grains, breads, cereals, etc.) are vital to maintaining your energy throughout the day, and do a host of other things within your body, including keeping you feeling full. We can also lump fruits in with complex carbohydrates, because of their high fiber content and slow absorption into the blood stream. This also keeps our insulin level in check, which is important for less fat storage, and a higher chance of burning stored fat.

Simple carbohydrates, or sugars (sweets, carbonated soft drinks, white processed baked goods, etc.) are best avoided or at the very least kept to a minimum. They provide little nutritional value to you and are just empty calories. These types of food are going to end up in your fat stores if you're not careful about how much you ingest.

Avoid long periods of moderate exercise, such as long aerobic workouts, as this burns fat which when exercise stops your body tries to replace. Much better to do intensive 15 to 20 minute exercise workouts, as hard exercise makes the body burn carbohydrates instead of fat during the workout, and will cause your body to use its fat stores to replenish the burned carbohydrates over the next 24 hours, after the workout is done. This type of work will also increase your reserve capacity, and thus your ability to handle all types of stress, leading to lasting health and fitness, and 24/7 fat burning.

Following these simple rules and avoiding fad diets, concentrating more on lifestyle change. Will lead you to successful weight loss, reduced body fat storage, and improving health.

Tony Kitson worked for 10 years as a diet and fitness advisor, During which time he formed many opinions on what works and what doesn't work, when you are trying to burn fat and loose weight. you can find more information from his website. http://thefatburninginferno.com

Click here to discover the #1 secret to permanent weight loss

How Well Does Fat Loss 4 Idiots Work?

I get this question all the time: "Does Fat Loss 4 Idiots Work?" I'm sure that you have asked yourself that very question every time you do a search for it. Yes, it does work.

Now that we have that settled, the next question you probably have is "How well does Fat Loss 4 Idiots work?" Am I right? The answer is that it works very consistently. I have spent a lot of time browsing forums and searching this great information highway we call the internet. And I have found that the program works for most people.

Now, does it work as well as it claims? Well, every body is different, and therefore the claims can be true for some, and a little less true for others. Fat Loss 4 Idiots claims that you will lose 9 lbs for every 11 days you are on the program (it is separated into 11 day cycles). In my experience (personal and online) the average is 6 or 7 pounds for every 11 day cycle.

Why does Fat Loss 4 idiots work? Fat Loss 4 Idiots has some great principles that it is built upon.

1. Eating more meals each day. Eating small meals more than 3 times per day has been circulating the weight loss and dieting communities for a long time now. Most experts agree that eating more often will help keep your metabolism up, burning more calories each day.

2. The program teaches you when and how to eat so that you will boost the impact of you fat burning hormones while simultaneously limiting the activity of your fat storing hormones.

3. You get to CHEAT. Yes, you read me right, you get to cheat on your diet. Every eleven day cycle includes three days that you can eat anything you want. This lowers the stress hormone cortisol (also stores fat) and will help you stay motivated. It is much easier to stick to a program when you know that in a few days you can eat that cookie or that pizza. It helps you push back those cravings.

Now, what are you going to say the next time someone asks you "Does Fat Loss 4 Idiots work?" You can tell them, "Yes!"

But lets do better than that. Let's show them that it works!

Now, get off of this article and go get the program! Stop procrastinating and start losing weight!

===> Go get it! <===

Click here to discover the #1 secret to permanent weight loss

Fat Loss - Compulsive Overeating

Compulsive overeating or BED (binge eating disorder) can be basically defined as eating without having the feeling of hunger. All of us by nature eat in order to replenish ourselves and to extinguish the feeling of hunger, but overeaters constantly eat regularly with no regards to being hungry. We are all guilty of eating something without being truly hungry, and it can be said that was compulsive behavior. People who truly suffer from this affliction eat compulsively constantly and feel very shameful because of this behavior and the effects it has on the body. Compulsive overeating is a serious problem and can cause death. Here are common signs of BED:

1. Having fear of not being able to control eating, and while eating, fearing that you won't be able to stop.

2. Being afraid to eat with or around others.

3. Hiding food in strange places in order to go back and eat in secrecy.

4. Feeling overwhelming guilt and shame after an eating session.

5. Believing that food is your only friend.

6. Having mood swings, feeling fatigued often, and feeling depressed

7. Weight gain

8. Places blame of failing social activities and personal relationships on weight.

9. Loss of sexual desire or any type of intimate relations.

10. Eating food faster than normal.

There are many, many reasons as to why people overeat. Some causes are emotional and the other are indeed biological. Most experts in the field believe there's a combination of factors that develops this eating disorder and that the problem usually manifests itself during a young age. These factors include a person's genes, emotions, and learned behaviors as a child (eating patterns).

Biologically, the portion of the brain that regulates appetite, the "hypothalamus" may not be working properly and sending proper signals about hunger and fullness. Plus there's a brain chemical by the name of "serotonin" that affects mood and certain compulsive behaviors that can have an effect compulsive overeating. Some researchers also say that there is a malfunction of endorphin metabolism in the brain of compulsive overeaters that activates the addictive process. One more example of a physical cause is the explanation stating that overeating may be manifested by the overeater's ability to secrete more insulin than normal at the sight and smell of food. The medical evidence that backs up the "insulin secretion theory" is still controversial at this present time.

Emotionally, overeating is caused by a low self esteem. The food takes the place of something we feel that is missing from our life. My experiences were related to quitting smoking. I needed something else to replace the urge for a cigarette, and turned to eating something. It didn't help at all, it made matters worse because after eating, I then wanted a "cigarette". Until the foundation of the emotional distress is found and addressed, the sufferer will continue to eat compulsively. The pain and hurt of being overweight coupled with daily stress and other emotional and mental trauma turns anything into an excuse to indulge and "eat away the pain".

Can compulsive overeating be cured? The good news is that in can indeed be treated with counseling and therapy. It's estimated that 80% of the afflicted who have looked for and received professional help have either recovered completely or have made significant progress. Treatments can last up to 7 months or longer and with the right guidance, commitment to be cured, along with constant practice it will not be hard to replace those bad old behaviors with new life sustaining behaviors.

Denis Harrison is a weight loss enthusiast and encourager for those seriously looking to lose weight. Interested in more information relating to controlling your appetite and eating behaviors? Come to Control Your Appetite where you'll find more interesting information that can help you along with your weight loss endeavors.

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Fat Loss 4 Idiots - Eat What You Want and Still Lose Weight?

Wouldn't it be decent to be one of individuals lucky few who seem to continue being slim without making a slave to the latest diet and exercising every 5 minutes (without nonetheless the energy to do that)? Wouldn't you like to banish all those miserable "low fat" and "low carb" foods in your kitchen cupboards and still lose weight? Well you know what, YOU CAN! That's the promise of the Fat Loss 4 Idiots program. Let's see if it's true.

Fat Loss 4 Idiots is a very popular package, and upon investigation, I can see why. It is founded on reasonable and scientific research; it gives you control of your weight - quite inspirational. How can it do this you are asking? It's not that simple to explain there secret the have behind their system, but it is simple to say that it works.

It drives on the basis: forget "low fat", forget "low carb". These do not lead to weight loss (or healthy residence for overly matter). Instead, learn two things: the RIGHT FOODS, at the RIGHT TIME. This is what Fat Loss 4 Idiots reveals within seconds of downloading it.

The program involves a slick system of rotating your eating patterns, and forcing your body's metabolism to attack your fat. Amazingly simple; simply amazing! And the smartest concern is... it's personalised for you after you input your favourite foods! You're given the exact conventional pattern to follow, involving all the foods you've listed. Follow it, and you're promised to get rid you weight significantly within the duration of 11-day periods.

Still looking for the right way for you to lose those extra pounds? When it comes to losing weight there are different conditions that apply to everyone differently. It's time you find what can work for you topfatlosstoday.com start losing fat today.

Click here to discover the #1 secret to permanent weight loss

Doctor's Fat Loss Secret

There is quite a stir being caused by an Arizona doctor's fat loss secret. Dr Suzanne Gudakunst claims to have blown the lid off the weight loss industry with her new fat loss plan. For years I have felt there was nothing new in weight loss ideas, but she may just be on to something here.

First of all, this lady doctor's weight loss secret will not be secret very long. If her claims are accurate her methods could help reverse diabetes, rid some forms of cancer and a large spectrum of illnesses associated with poor nutrition. That type of results, in addition to permanent fat loss, will surely not remain secret for long.

Apparently, Dr, Gudakunst stumbled onto her new fat loss plan while doing studies on the colon and digestive system in the human body. During her studies she was able to determine a correlation between plaque and parasite infestations of the bowel tract and people suffering from chronic obesity. These same, obese subjects could not lose weight despite intense diet and exercise.

The doctor claims to have developed numerous natural ways to remove the harmful plaque and rid the body of the digestive parasites. She tested her process on the same obese subjects and found that after removing the plaque and parasites they were able to lose incredible amounts of weight!

She claims her program is new and different because it conquers the cause of obesity and fat accumulation before any actual weight loss plan begins.

I have to be honest here. I am diabetic, but not overweight. I haven't tried her ideas but, they do make sense to me. I often wonder if the reason we have so many overweight people in this country is because of greed. There are so many diet pills and programs available and yet, the number of overweight people continues to rise. Could it just be because the diet drug business is too profitable. Is it all a big conspiracy?

I'm probably a bit too conspiracy minded. After all, I am one who still questions if we really ever set foot on the moon! While this doctor's fat loss secret may not be conspiratorial in nature, it does suggest that there may be some conspiracy going on in the weight loss industry. It bears watching!

Have you tried forever to shed weight, with little or no satisfactory results? You are not alone. Join the thousands who are finally getting good results and losing the weight once and for all. Find out how you can have permanent fat loss and learn this lady Doctor's Fat Loss Secret You don't have to be fat. Permanent fat loss is just a click away. Don't wait until you've gained another 5, 10 or even 20 pounds. Right now, before you do anything else, click over to Doctor's Fat Loss Secret

Click here to discover the #1 secret to permanent weight loss

Fat Loss 4 Idiots Complaints - Read Before You Buy

Like any other diet, Fat Loss 4 Idiots generates some common complaints. After talking to more than a hundred people who used this diet, I decided to write this article about the common FatLoss4Idiots complaints so that you know what are the negative things people say about this diet so that you'll know everything there is to know before you buy it.

Here are some common Fat Loss 4 Idiots Complaints

  • The diet has a fruit and vegetables day which is a little difficult - This is a single day in the 11 day menu in which you get to eat nothing more than fruit and veggies. Some people find it difficult to stick to even though it's just for one day.
  • Fat Loss 4 Idiots isn't for diabetics - Let's get this straight since it's a question which many people ask me: FatLoss4Idiots isn't made for diabetics. It works excellent for some and not so great for others.
  • It's very hard to drink all that water - Fat Loss 4 Idiots requires you to drink at least 8 glasses of water each day. This is something which some people find hard to do. However, it's healthy for you regardless of the diet, so I suggest that you simply do it.
  • The biggest Fat Loss 4 Idiots complaint is that the diet doesn't have a support center. This is indeed a grave disadvantage even though most people don't need any support since the diet is so simple. To provide a partial solution for this I wrote a support guide for fat loss 4 idiots which you can get for free.

Click here to get the Fat Loss 4 Idiots support Guide

To read more about Fat Loss 4 Idiots, visit this webpage:
Fat Loss 4 Idiots Complaints.

John Davenport lost over 30 pounds in his twenties after being overweight most of his life. To read more about fast weight loss, click here: Fat Loss 4 Idiots Review

Click here to discover the #1 secret to permanent weight loss

Fat Burning Tips

These fat burning tips can help you discover a fat burning secret that works well. The fat burning process is a matter of proper dieting and the correct exercise and training techniques.

Remember, everyone's body is different and not all techniques work for everyone. Consistency is the key, so give your body a chance to adjust with time to the changes. It may take a while to see results but the end result is worth it.

A good fat burning tip is adjust your current diet by reducing your calories and limit your salt intake to reduce your fat. Excessive sodium combined with fat can cause your body to retain water which in turn causes weight gain and body fat. Be sure and watch the sodium levels in the seasonings you cook with, they can be well hidden and sneak up on you.

Some of these fat burning tips may sound too simple to be true. But they go back to the basics of what works. Burning fat is all about using up more calories than you take in. Learn to substitute lower calorie foods for the high calorie ones you are use to eating.

Another good fat burning tip is learn not to eat, at least, 2 hours before you go to bed, You'll be amazed at what this simple tip alone can do for keeping your weight down. Eating anything before you go to bed means you'll be wearing that as fat. Think about that next time you want a late night snack.

To prevent body fat from building up you also need to exercise. You must be active to change your bodies metabolism to burn fat instead of storing it. Fat burning exercises will speed up your metabolism. With a reduction in calories, and this type of exercise, you will reduce body fat.

Some of these fat burning exercises include walking, jogging, running, elliptical trainer workouts, cycling and swimming. The key thing to remember here is the more muscle groups you use, the more fat you'll burn.

These aerobic fat burning exercises increase your metabolism, which means, you'll burn calories long after you exercise. People who exercise on a regular basis develop more fat burning enzymes than someone who doesn't exercise at all.

If you want to discover a fat burning secret that works, it's eat properly to reduce body fat, while combining it with fat burning exercises. Remember not exceed your daily calories allotted each day and increase your physical activity. Try these fat burning tips and get results that will work.

Copyright 2005 Treadmill Info.com All Rights Reserved.

This article is supplied by http://www.treadmill-info.com where you will find valuable information, ratings, reviews, articles and buying tips before you make the investment in quality fitness equipment. For more fitness related articles go to: http://www.treadmill-info.com/articles_1.html

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Speed Up Fat Loss and Increase Fitness Using Interval Training Programs

Regardless of your current fitness level, an HIIT program can help you develop a more active lifestyle and burn fat more effectively and in less time than a traditional fitness routine. With some basic information and as few as three 20-minute workouts a week, you can use high intensity HIIT to make your workout work for you.

HIIT speeds metabolism and helps burn fat faster by having you exercise at alternating intensity levels. Bursts of high-intensity exercise are mixed with longer recovery periods in which the same exercise is continued at reduced intensity. The sprint phase of an HIIT program requires the maximum energy you're able to safely expend. The duration and intensity of the sprint interval differs as widely as individual fitness levels. Someone who hasn't exercised anything but a remote control in recent memory might exhaust his or her endurance limits with a brisk minute-long walk. An indoor cyclist might last 15 minutes in climb mode before reaching maximum energy output. Both, however, are putting forth the same amount of effort and both will benefit from the workout. Both would also need a sufficient rest period before resuming maximum pace. Otherwise, each would lose momentum and benefit no more than he or she would have from a traditional aerobics workout. Keep in mind that intensity is more important than duration.

HIIT produces faster results than other workout routines for a simple reason. Muscles operating at maximum capacity for short bursts separated by moderately active rest periods are more effective fat burners than muscles consistently operating at moderate capacity, as they would in a typical aerobics workout. An intense HIIT program can deplete muscles of glycogen-carbohydrate reserves, which are then replenished with sugar from the bloodstream. After that, the body must turn to its fat reserves for energy to keep operating. This process happens faster with a high-intensity workout, continuing at a high rate of speed for roughly one hour afterward and at a reduced rate for several hours more. The greater the intensity and duration of your workout, the faster fat deposits are burned.

An HIIT program also helps increase the anaerobic threshold, enabling muscles to work longer and withstand strength-draining buildup of lactic acid. Raising that threshold is especially beneficial to players of football, soccer, hockey and other sports requiring short bursts of intense activity.

Turbulence Training and Warp Speed Fat Loss are two different types of programs both maximising HIIT to lose weight. Click on the links to find more information on this

Click here to discover the #1 secret to permanent weight loss

Fat Loss 4 Idiots Testimonials

One of the best ways to choose a diet is to read user testimonials. Fat Loss 4 Idiots is no different. Since I wrote my online review of Fat Loss 4 Idiots in April 2007, many users of this diet wrote their experiences on the webpage of my review. This article will summarize a selection of what these people wrote.

First of all I have to say that I can only write about the reviews I have seen. The results are different for each person, so it's hard to pinpoint the exact weight loss any specific person will experience with Fat Loss For Idiots.

Here are some of the Fat Loss For Idiots testimonials I read:

1. Hi there, I am on my 7th day 1st cycle and lost 10 lbs. This is by far the best diet I've tried. I am just a little worry about losing too much weight but by all mean I don't feel weak or sick. Does taking multivitamin effects the diet?

2. After my third day on FL4I, I've lost 4 pound.. its wonderful n i feel healthy.. I'm excited to complete the 11 day cycle.. Hope to fit into my old clothes again..

3. I started this "diet" Sept 18, today is my 11th day. How fun was that?!!? I lost 7.5 lbs. jumping for joy! I stuck to the meals for each day, just missed them up to make a "menu" like on a meal that was oranges and grapes and one meal was sausage and ham I put the sausage and orange together. Try it!

4. I lost 75 pounds on this diet. It's certainly worked for me. I am taking a little break from it for a couple of weeks, but I intend to start back up on another cycle soon to try to lose another 30 or so...

I know that these testimonials seem incredible, but they were written by people who used this diet and I bring them here as they were written (typos included). You can read more testimonials on this webpage: Fat Loss 4 Idiots Testimonials

However, I did read some not so positive testimonials of Fat Loss 4 Idiots. Here are some of them:

1. Today is my 10th day and i have lost 4 pounds. Not great, but ok.

2. I am on my first day of this diet and I've had to replace most of my daily diet sodas and teas with water in order to drink the amount that the diet requires. I've had an annoying headache all day. Is this from lack of caffeine or is it a normal side effect of the diet?

Note: I suggested to this person to cut down her caffeine gradually and not at once, and her headache went away.

You should know that some people fail with this diet. Fat Loss 4 Idiots is like any other diet. It doesn't work for 100% of the people. Yet most of the reviews that people posted on my review were highly positive. Therefore, I think that this diet is a good bet for anyone who wishes to lose weight.

To read more testimonials, visit this webpage:
Fat Loss For Idiots Review & Testimonials.

John Davenport lost over 30 pounds in his twenties after being overweight most of his life. To read more about fast weight loss, click here: How To Lose Weight Fast And Never Gain It Back

Click here to discover the #1 secret to permanent weight loss

Hard Core Secrets From A Fat Loss Maniac

I am an educator with an expertise in fat loss. I have personally had an overeating and overweight challenge my whole life and I am a maniac when it comes to keeping lean. I am also a health nut so I do all things healthfully, including fat loss. I believe in natural foods. My beliefs and practices many might call hard core.

I hesitate to use the word secret, as it is used as a marketing scam in many areas, including fat loss. But I do in fact keep secrets, some things that I will reveal here. These are things I do to keep lean and fit I usually do not talk about. I keep them to myself and advise people to go the more traditional routes.

For example, I advise making breakfast your main meal of the day, but that is not the secret. Making breakfast a healthy, substantial meal is a great fat loss tactic. But my secret is that I do not eat what I usually recommend people eat, because such choices do not meet my standard that only premium fuels go into my body.

For breakfast I usually advise people to eat a whole grain cereal, hot or cold, served with soy, almond or rice milk. And some fresh fruit. Whole grain toast topped with a natural peanut butter or almond butter. Stuff like that.

That is a healthy breakfast, but outside of the fresh fruit, I do not eat those things often. Here is what I almost always eat for breakfast. I soak in water overnight old-fashioned oats, raw sunflower seeds, walnuts, and almonds, plus raisins and date pieces. That is my centerpiece; I call it super cereal. I will often have apple or banana slices or other fruit on the side.

Now this dish is not for everyone, obviously, but I think it is about as healthy as anyone can eat. All whole, natural ingredients, all raw, with plenty of protein, complex carbohydrates, healthy fats and fiber. It is nutritious, very filling and I am not hungry again for at least five hours.

I never eat boxed cereals, even if they are whole grain, and include flaxseed and other good stuff. These are in fact processed foods, these flakes or whatever they are. And of course they have added sugar, only now it is called evaporated cane juice. I just do not eat them.

I almost never go for almond, rice or soymilks. Except for some plain soymilks, they all have added sugar. I like them, I just do not drink them very often.

Another thing, these cereals and drinks are way expensive for my tastes. I pride myself on being frugal, getting the best bang for my food buck, and I eat more healthfully the way I do at about half the cost of these other prepared foods.

As for the whole grain toast and nut butters, these are things that go to the core of my overeating and overweight challenge. I have to severely limit these things. It starts with the buying, so I just do not buy them very often. It is too easy for me to eat bread slices. And really overindulge in gourmet, high fat, natural foods like peanut butter. I love it, can eat it by the spoonful; I spread it thickly on those bread slices, toasted or un-toasted.

Same goes for 100 percent fruit juices. I rarely buy or drink them. I love them and they are healthy but they are also huge sugar/calorie hits. I enjoy them very occasionally.

You get the idea. If you are like me, a natural food lover who really loves sweet drinks like fruit juices and high calorie foods like peanut butter, you just do not buy them very often. That is how I keep lean.

There, I let my secrets out. Some of them. I was not really keeping them a secret. I advise people on how to lose fat healthfully and permanently but most are not ready to eat the way I eat. Or restrict themselves from certain foods like I do. So I strongly urge them to get rid of all the really horrible, fattening stuff like dairy products, mayonnaise, meat, chicken, etc. I advise them to replace such foods with plant-based, whole, fresh, natural foods as much as possible. And I stand by that advice.

I do not expect most people to follow my personal hard core, maniacal standards. There, standards. That is a better word choice than secrets. But anyone who chooses to follow these will find they definitely work.

Jerome Kellner is a fat loss and fitness professional and author of The Maui Diet. Find out more about fat loss the easy, healthy way, by eating a plant-based diet of whole, natural foods at http://www.themauidiet.com

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Sunday, September 28, 2008

Sleeping Your Way to Fat Loss

Excess pounds have a way of sneaking up on us; it seems that as if overnight we can go from a petite size to flabby. And at that point we wonder what happened. We do not remember eating more than before or getting any less exercise so we are baffled when we cannot fit into our favorite clothes comfortably. It truly does not seem that anything has changed in our life except our weight.

But if we really analyze our lives we might find that perhaps something has changed. Not only have we gained a few or in some cases a lot of pounds, but we have also aged. Other changes have also occurred along the way. We have probably gotten busier with our work and our family life.

We may have some health issues that we deal with now that were non-existent before. Whatever the case may be, if we take a close look we are likely to find several changes have occurred over the years.

One of the changes that are often overlooked is our sleep patterns. Consider and compare the way you sleep now to the way you slept years ago. Obviously sufficient rest is essential to having the energy needed to feeling refreshed during the day.

Without getting enough rest you may not feel rejuvenated much less feel like adding in any physical activities. And without physical activities you are not going to burn the calories needed to stay fit and trim.

Additionally, if you are feeling tired and run down you are more likely to eat foods that are quick and easy to prepare. Those same foods are usually also higher in fat content and thus, add to your problems.

So when you are concerned with shedding a few pounds insure that you are getting adequate sleep. This will enable you to participate fully in physical activities and you will have the energy needed to plan and prepare low fat meals.

For a free report on metabolism and information about how you can lose 9 pounds every 11 days please visit: http://fatlossquick.blogspot.com You will find links from there to the actual product. For additional information about weight loss check out http://fitinsidenout.com/WeightLoss.html Debbie C. Allen is an Internet marketer and a writer.

Click here to discover the #1 secret to permanent weight loss

4-Minute Rapid Fat Loss Cardio Interval Workouts at Home!

Everybody's Got At Least 4 Minutes To Workout!

In the real world, there will be days when we simply do not have enough time to perform the ideal full-length 20-minute interval cardio workouts (not including a highly recommended 5-minute warm-up and cool-down).

In most instances, the typical approach we take is to just skip the workout altogether. The flawed assumption here is that no significant results can occur in less than 30 minutes anyways. However, this could not be further from the truth! Both our clients and we have discovered just how much can happen in 4 minutes with the right approach to training. So basically, there is no room for excuses as we all have at least 4 minutes on any given day to workout ;)

It's not about time... IT'S ALL ABOUT INTENSITY!

The key to these cardio interval workouts is INTENSITY. In both scientific research and real world studies, time and time again one thing is clear: Intensity is truly the only thing that makes your body change! Intensity is the key to ripping off ugly, unwanted body fat and gaining lean, sexy muscle.

As much as we'd love to claim we've reinvented the wheel here, this intensity principle is nothing new in the fitness world. Even as far back as 1994 in the Metabolism Journal researchers discovered the following: each calorie you expend during high-intensity exercise burns 9 times more fat than the same calorie expended during steady state aerobic exercise! Don't believe this? Well, trust us when we say that you definitely will become a believer in intensity after performing your first interval workout. It's really the coolest thing in the world. It's like you just flip the switch to building the body of your dreams. See below to learn more about why this happens:

The Role of HIGH-Intensity Exercise

- Embraces the Carb-Burning Zone: High-Intensity exercise rapidly reducing muscle glycogen (stored sugar) during training which promotes enhanced total body fat-burning at all other times of day.

- Burns a TON of Calories Both During AND After Exercise: This phenomenon is due to the post-workout "AFTERBURN" know as EPOC which describes the number of calories your body expends in the recovery of your metabolism back to pre-exercise levels from high-intensity training. The best part about EPOC is that you control it, meaning that the harder you work during training the more calories your body will burn BOTH during your workout AND for up to 24-48 hours after completing your workout!

- Creates the Optimal Hormonal Environment for Fat Loss: High-Intensity exercise puts your body in a "fight or flight" mode that forces your body to CHANGE as a means of survival. More specifically, your body releases catecholamines (primarily adrenaline) in response to interval training that directly mobilizes stored body fat so that it can be burnt off as energy during activity.

The 4-Minute Rapid Fat Loss Cardio Program

How to Get 4-Minute Equipment-Free Fat Loss in Your Living Room!

This Workout Muse Cardio EXPRESS features the breakthrough Tabata Protocol that Japanese scientists used to compare the effects of only 4 minutes of high-intensity interval training to a slow, long 60-minute steady-state aerobic alternative. They found GREATER FAT LOSS and GREATER IMPROVEMENTS IN FITNESS with the following 4-minute interval routine versus the full hour of aerobics!

Each workout takes only 4 minutes, not including the highly recommended warm-up. In all, you will be in the shower 10 short minutes after breaking your first bead of sweat ;)

Workout Muse Cardio EXPRESS

Are You Ready For TABATAS?

- 5-minute warm-up (optional, but highly recommended)
- Select the appropriate Tabatas Variation for your current fitness level:

Level I- Beginners- Modified Tabatas: 10 s on, 20 s off

- 10 s on (sprint), 20 s off (recover)- 1:2 work to rest ratio
- Repeat this 30 s round 8x for 4 total minutes

Level II- Intermediate- Modified Tabatas: 15 s on, 15 s off

- 15 s on (sprint), 15 s off (recover)- 1:1 work to rest ratio
- Repeat this 30 s round 8x for 4 total minutes

Level III- Advanced- Original Tabatas: 20 s on, 10 s off

- 20 s on (sprint), 10 s off (recover)- 2:1 work to rest ratio
- Repeat this 30 s round 8x for 4 total minutes

The Top 6 Body Weight Cardio Exercises

Choose either one exercise below and perform it for the full duration of your workout OR feel free to switch to different exercises from round to round to mix things up and get a little more variety:

1.) Stationary Running
2.) Jumping Claps (Modified Jumping Jack)
3.) Cross-Country Skier
4.) Mountain Climber
5.) Burpee Variation
6.) Shadow Boxing or Kickboxing

Perform These Cardio Workouts Only On Days:

- When you truly have NO TIME for the prescribed full-length 20-minute interval workouts (e.g. travel days)

- For an extra metabolic boost during the day to accelerate fat loss (immediately in the morning or 4-6 hours before/after your main workout of the day)

- Before a "free meal" to serve as a bit of damage control so that your body is primed to use the extra carbs and calories from this meal for muscle growth and recovery while minimizing fat-storage (don't push this too far - this is not an excuse to go hog-wild!)


Feel free to perform this protocol with any mode of cardio exercise (e.g. outdoor/treadmill running, cycling, etc.). We have simply provided the best equipment-free cardio exercises for the utmost simplicity, affordability, and convenience.

You can even employ body weight resistance training exercises (squats, push-ups, lunges, etc.) or other resistance training exercises using dumbbells, bands, sandbags, etc. to perform these express workouts. Use your imagination to explore the infinite possibilities for endless variety and to keep your workouts exciting, fun, and fresh!

BJ Gaddour is the president and founder of GGR Fitness and a Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist with the prestigious National Strength and Conditioning Association.

As a former fat kid and real world fat loss expert, BJ has helped HUNDREDS of people lose THOUSANDS of pounds of ugly, unwanted body fat! He is the co-creator of WORKOUT MUSE: The World's FIRST and #1 Audio Interval Trainer. Workout Muse harnesses the science of interval training and the power of sound by providing DONE-FOR-YOU audio interval training soundtracks that tell you when to start, when to stop, and even provides countdowns and updates to keep you focused on the task at hand. Not to mention the mind-blowing, adrenaline racing workout music created from scratch by their elite team of sound designers to drive the most intense, results-producing fat loss workouts of your life!

Simply visit http://www.RapidFatLossCardio.com and download your FREE 16-Week Rapid Fat Loss Cardio Program E-Book and a FREE Cardio Interval Workout mp3 Soundtrack so you can just press PLAY and listen and lose fat FAST!

Click here to discover the #1 secret to permanent weight loss

Fat Loss 4 Life

If you've ever tried to lose weight and have been successful, then you know that the initial weight loss is only half of the battle... Most people that lose weight, gain it all back; it's sad but true. Just because you change your diet and lose the weight doesn't mean that it's going to stay off forever; you have to maintain that diet for the rest of your life or the weight will continually come back no matter how many diets you try.

What you need to do is create a natural schedule and stick to it... It must be like brushing your teethe, you don't even think about it, you just do it. Whether it's eat right or exercising you have to get into a permanent routine. Stuff isn't just going to fall into place; weight isn't just going to be lost like your car keys, it need to be burned off.

One way to keep the fat off is by shifting your calories around so that your metabolism speeds up and stays at that level like it did when you were a young child. You can watch your calorie intake and switch it up day to day and eat the right foods; this will cause you to lose weight and stay thin once you lose the weight.

The number one thing you have to do is just keep the temptation away from yourself... Don't put cigarettes near a smoker, don't put alcohol near a drinker, and don't put junk food in front of someone who loves to eat!

Learn how to lose 9 lbs. every 11 days with calorie shifting: Full Story Here


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4 Aerobics Secrets For Fat Loss Without Losing Muscle

Using aerobics for fat loss without losing muscle is very important otherwise you will never get a well-toned, leaner, sexier body.

Losing muscle has more to do with inadequate diet than with excessive aerobics.

If you suspect you are losing muscle there are four likely causes:

  1. You are not eating enough protein. Protein is the only nutrient that is used to build muscle. You should eat 5-6 meals containing protein every day. These meals should be spaced 3 hours apart from each other.
  2. Your carbohydrates are too low. This is very important because low carb diets also use up protein. This means you can consume huge amounts of protein but if your carbs is to low, you will also lose muscle.
  3. You are not eating enough calories. This is a huge mistake because the body goes into starvation mode and this causes the metabolism to slow down and then the body start burning muscle tissue to conserve energy
  4. Only doing aerobic exercises without doing weight training will result in muscle loss. It is important to understand that muscle growth happens as a result of weight training.

So the truth is you would rather lose muscle from not eating enough than from doing aerobic exercise. People think they will lose muscle during cardio but as long as you combine cardio and weight training with good nutritional eating habits, you'll lose fat and gain muscle.

As you can see aerobics for fat loss is definitely a very good thing because it can enhance your recovery from weight training by promoting blood flow and oxygen transport to your muscles.

Discover one of the greatest "cover-ups" in the history of network marketing... and how it's used to keep unknowing distributors "in the dark".

Click here to get this controversial free report immediately.

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Fat Loss 4 Idiots - The Weight Loss Sensation

Fat Loss 4 Idiots. This is the extremely popular weight loss sensation that is, and has been, sweeping the web. The program boasts that you can lose 11 pounds every 9 days. In my experience, that is a bit extreme, however from looking at the testimonials and what people are saying on forums, 6 pounds per cycle is very common and achievable.

Fat Loss 4 Idiots is a weight loss program that is designed around controlling your diet. The author states that low fat foods, low calorie diets, and low carb plans do not work. Stating various reasons from too strict or hard to follow to hitting plateaus.

At its core, Fat Loss 4 Idiots teaches people how to control their diet. This includes, but is not limited to, eating more than three meals each day. Many experts have been stating for years now that the traditional three meals per day is not optimal for losing weight. It simply does not keep your metabolism elevated throughout the day. Many experts, including Fat Loss 4 Idiots, agree on five or six meals per day.

Fat Loss 4 Idiots explains how your diet manipulates fat burning hormones in your body. The program goes into exact details on how you can maximize the efficiency of your fat burning hormones while simultaneously minimizing the effects of fat storing hormones.

What is different about this plan is that it keeps your metabolism guessing. By doing this you will avoid the plateau that the other diets run into.

With clear instructions on what to eat and when, most people are losing weight with fat loss 4 idiots. It is not a "get thin quick" program, but it has been shown to be extremely effective.

So, where can you get Fat Loss 4 Idiots? Head over to my website and get some more information about Fat Loss 4 Idiots and read some testimonials.

===> Get It Here <===

What are you waiting for? Go get your copy of this great weight loss program and start losing weight this week!

===> Get Fat Loss 4 Idiots <===

Click here to discover the #1 secret to permanent weight loss

Is Your Workout Preventing Fat Loss? Surprising Things Which Prevent Weight Loss in Cardio Workouts

It's utterly obvious that you will be tired after you workout; but did you know you shouldn't be. If you find yourself being tired, chances are you are doing everything wrong, and are overexerting in areas that don't need it. Cardio workouts are not supposed to make you weak and tired; but rather help you lose weight, and keep in shape. So logically speaking, if you find yourself tired always, you are not in shape, and the cardio workout you are doing needs the following improvements;

Heart-rate- it just needs to be up, it doesn't need to be beating faster than the earth spins. Many people make this mistake of going hard at first; but then they become burnt out fast. This is the easiest way to get tired, over exert yourself; and your heart rate goes so hard, that you can't pump the oxygen fast enough, and then your brain notices, and you become tired all around. Then you are burnt out in other things to, because you just lost oxygen to your brain very rapidly- and the only way to replace this, is to; guess what sleep.

Water- working hard for a long time, sweating a lot. You lose a lot of water weight, its not actually weight loss, its just water loss. Exerting yourself to lose a lot of water, and not replacing it, makes your body exhausted, and your mind as well; then you will always find yourself being tired... You need to replace what you lose, water wise; always hydrate your body, many people get strokes and so forth, just because they don't hydrate themselves, then they are mentally scarred for life.

Sleep- well obviously you need to have adequate rest in the meantime- 8 hours is recommended, if you have work and exercise and not much sleep; over time this can be a harmful combination, and make you so ill that you have to take a few weeks rest for recuperation. Your mind and body will not be overly tired at first, but over some time you will find yourself just drained. Fix these 3 points, and you will find energy coming a lot more afterwords; and fatigue reduced drastically.

Warning: I Am About To Show You Secrets Which Will Dramatically Shrink Your Waistline And Burn Your Body Fat Like Crazy.....You Are About To Discover The World's Most Stunning 'Underground' Weight Loss Secret.....You Will Never Have To Fear Weight Again. This Secret Is Guaranteed To Make You Lose 9 Lbs Every 11 Days. I Strongly Urge You To Read This As It Might Be An Absolute Eye Opener- Click Here

Click here to discover the #1 secret to permanent weight loss

The Basic Rules of Successful Body Fat Loss

If you are setting out to loose weight and burn fat, then you should follow a regime that combines both a sensible exercise program, and balanced diet. It should be a permanent change of lifestyle and not a short term change to loose weight. Not affecting long term change or embarking on a nutritionally suspect fad diet may see you loose weight initially, but can ultimately lead to weight gain. This is because as soon as your diet stops, and you return to your normal eating pattern and lack of exercise, your body will tend to enter famine mode and start to store more fat to prepare for the next diet phase. These short term unhealthy changes to diet and exercise levels lead to a yo-yo up and down weight loss weight gain cycle, that not only leaves you heavier, but can also seriously damages your health.

Your food intake should aim to be a healthy balance of carbohydrates, proteins, and fats to keep your metabolism firing on all cylinders, and constantly burning fat.

Complex carbohydrates (whole grains, breads, cereals, etc.) are vital to maintaining your energy throughout the day, and do a host of other things within your body, including keeping you feeling full. We can also lump fruits in with complex carbohydrates, because of their high fiber content and slow absorption into the blood stream. This also keeps our insulin level in check, which is important for less fat storage, and a higher chance of burning stored fat.

Simple carbohydrates, or sugars (sweets, carbonated soft drinks, white processed baked goods, etc.) are best avoided or at the very least kept to a minimum. They provide little nutritional value to you and are just empty calories. These types of food are going to end up in your fat stores if you're not careful about how much you ingest.

Avoid long periods of moderate exercise, such as long aerobic workouts, as this burns fat which when exercise stops your body tries to replace. Much better to do intensive 15 to 20 minute exercise workouts, as hard exercise makes the body burn carbohydrates instead of fat during the workout, and will cause your body to use its fat stores to replenish the burned carbohydrates over the next 24 hours, after the workout is done. This type of work will also increase your reserve capacity, and thus your ability to handle all types of stress, leading to lasting health and fitness, and 24/7 fat burning.

Following these simple rules and avoiding fad diets, concentrating more on lifestyle change. Will lead you to successful weight loss, reduced body fat storage, and improving health.

Tony Kitson worked for 10 years as a diet and fitness advisor, During which time he formed many opinions on what works and what doesn't work, when you are trying to burn fat and loose weight. you can find more information from his website. http://thefatburninginferno.com

Click here to discover the #1 secret to permanent weight loss

Lose Fat Fast - Fat Loss Breakthroughs Finally Revealed!

You can lose fat fast using special fat loss breakthroughs that are "NEXT GENERATION" techniques. What that means simply is that these are so recent that you probably have never heard them before. So if you have an open mind and a few minutes each day, you can get incredible fat loss results in a couple of weeks.

Lose Fat Fast

1. For hormonal weight loss, spin in a circle

Diet and exercise are important for weight loss, but they are not everything. In fact, for some, they aren't even that important. Instead, hormones are a more important factor. A breakthrough has recently been revealed in how to get your hormones to work FOR YOU instead of against you in regards to weight loss.

That breakthrough... spinning.

It may seem like a stretch, but try it and see the powerful effect that a set of 10 spins has on your body. Doing just that 1 set of spins will show you that spinning does in fact do something to your body that normal exercises can't. Spins reach the hormonal level, not just the cardio level. It only takes 15 seconds... what do you have to lose?

2. Belly rubs attack fat in the stomach

I'm sure you didn't realize it, but the mere act of rubbing your belly in circles helps to dislodge fat deposits. But there's a catch. You need to rub your hands together to create a friction style of kinetic heat before you rub circles on your belly. The heat penetrates straight through the skin and into the fat cells. The results... fat gets broken up and dispensed with.

Fat HATES heat. You know the common knowledge on how fat helps to insulate people and keep them warm in cold weather. Notice how people in warmer climates are more lean... generally speaking. Their bodies sense they don't need the extra fat layer since it's already warm outside.

Using these 2 fat loss breakthroughs, you can lose fat fast and easy.

If you're SICK and TIRED of getting the same old boring weight loss advice... you know, like "Eat more fruits and vegetables, drink 8 glasses of water, jog, and blah blah blah", then...

Click http://www.weightlossguide4women.com to get your FREE EBOOK "How SPINNING Around Like a Child TRIPLES your Weight Loss". A strange, but true, way to LOSE 10 pounds in 2 weeks. I'm giving away this report today and tomorrow ONLY to anyone who visits my website! So get it before tomorrow night.

If you're truly serious about losing weight, then go to the link below to get your free report now. If you don't lose 10 pounds... I'd be QUITE surprised! http://www.weightlossguide4women.com

Jennifer Jolan

Click here to discover the #1 secret to permanent weight loss

Fat Loss 4 Idiots Review - Real Or Scam - You Decide

I'm going to talk about THE Good The Bad And the Ugly! The good meaning the parts that work! The bad the stuff that might not work! The UGLY

OK lets begin Fat Loss 4 Idiots Review,

the good'

Fat loss 4 Idiots starts off by talking about why most diets fail. They specifically address LOW FAT, LOW CALORIE, and LOW CARBOHYDRATE diets. They do explain what happens to your body on these diets. It talks about how your metabolism slows down and instead of losing the lbs. you end up storing fat. This is a natural thing for the body to do.

The site talks about and supports calorie shifting. This is when you change the type of calories that you consume. One of the best things about the diet is that you get to eat 4 times a day. Now we all know the worst part of any diet is feeling hungry all the time. Well with this diet, Fat Loss 4 Idiots tells you to eat 4 times a day and by doing so you will not be as temped to cheat between the meals. That is not all that Fat loss 4 idiots will do for you. Fat loss 4 Idiots has something called a menu Generator that that will generate meals for you to make and enjoy. This takes all the guess work out of trying to find out what cook and eat.

Are you staying home when you are on a Diet? Well guess what, you don't have to! Fat loss 4 Idiots also helps you with this. They give you info on how to order at restaurants and fast food chains, which is very helpful in the fast paced life we all seem to live in these days.

Summary on the good:

1. Idiot Proof Diet Generator

2. 10 Idiot Proof Rules of Fat Loss

3. Information on how to order at restaurants and fast food chains

4. Allows for a 3 day cheat period every 11 days

5. Plan only costs $27

6. 30- No calorie limits or calorie counting is involved

Now lets talk about the bad

When you first have a look at the fat loss 4 idiots website, it is a little unclear what you are getting. I have read a lot of reviews on this, and some people say that eating 4 times a day is a negative. I will leave it to each person to make that decision for themselves.

Overall, there are some negatives and positives about fat loss 4 idiots. This diet is not for everyone, so make sure to do your research before you dive into it!

OK now its time for the ugly.

And yes some people may not like this. But even myself in the 1980's have done this. Spandex - Please stay away from this! Please

For more information, please visit my website at http://fatlosssite.blogspot.com

Please visit my blog at http://fatlosssite.blogspot.com/

Click here to discover the #1 secret to permanent weight loss

Body Fat Loss Program - New Sensation!

We all have microorganisms that are living in our bodies.

They become part of our system and help our organs function properly, but once in a while we get sick. This happens because alien parasites invaded the body, and for some reason our immune system can't fight them.

That's why the body starts to malfunction. It could be the kidneys, liver, stomach or any other organ, all depending on what kind of illness we have.

The stomach is an easy place for these parasites to get access to the body, entering with the food we eat or water we drink, and the environment is perfect for them to grow and multiply. When this happens the body starts to gain weight and this has nothing to do with eating disorder or a luck of exercise.

After we gain a lot of weight we begin to worry and start looking for solution to become slimmer, healthier and to get our life back. We visit the doctor, we buy pills and we start going to the gym, but very often nothing helps. Also, all these solutions become very expensive.

Some diet pills help us to lose fat for a while, but the moment we stop using them that fat comes back. Some pills can also harm our organs, which is why we have to consult the doctor before we can use them. After all, we are trying get rid of the fat and not the sickness that's causing us to gain it.

That's why we have to get rid of those parasites that make us fat and sick. It is the only way to a healthy and happy life. For the first time one person was brave enough to open up about this secret. This doctor explains everything about parasites and how to get rid of them for good.

For information visit this web site.


Click here to discover the #1 secret to permanent weight loss

Sustainable Fat Loss

When starting a new exercise program its important to have goals, for many the goal was probably to lose a spare tire or Two for the summer holidays. The holiday period is now coming to an end and a lot of these dieters will be forgetting about their wobbly bits and hiding them under big baggie jumpers until January or next summer. The problem with this style of fat loss is when you come back to trying to lose the fat you'll probably have more than you did before, why? Crash dieting usually involves cutting calories and eating lettuce leaves, when you check the scales and discover you have lost weight its not just fat you lost its muscle too. Muscle actually helps burn fat the more of it you have the faster your metabolism will be.

What you need to keep at your target weight is sensible nutrition and a regular exercise program that you can stick to long term, start off slowly maybe just by walking. By developing and using some muscle you'll increase your metabolic rate and notice more long lasting results. A lot of women are put off exercise especially weight training because they believe it will give them big unfeminine muscle, women don't have enough testosterone in their bodies to build big muscle.

If your more accustomed to exercise you could try some circuit training 2 or 3 times a week but remember you need to commit to something you can stick with long term. Exercise also offers many other health benefits besides weight loss.

What other benefits does exercise offer

More energy believe it or not regular exercise will give you more energy, not straight away but once you have been at it a while you will notice your extra vitality. Exercise will help you sleep better. It also benefits your immune system a bit of resistance training will improve muscle tone and body appearance, posture and prevent sagging skin if you have lost a lot of weight.

Sustainable Dieting

Making simple changes to your diet can help you achieve more sustainable weight loss than crash dieting, cutting down on sugary drinks is a great way to shed a few calories. Research does show replacing these drinks with the low calorie versions is not a good idea, the low calorie (diet) brands make your body crave sugar. Its better to just try and cut down to One can of the full sugar version now and then. Cutting back on your Alcohol consumption will also help you lose fat, alcohols full of empty calories, your wallet and liver could also benefit.

You could also try replacing white bread with wholemeal bread, wholemeal bread contains fewer calories and more fiber than white bread. There is lots of very simple alterations you can make to your diet to keep your fat loss more sustainable.

Article Written by Mark W Stubbles the owner and publisher of Nutrition and Fitness a site which is full of information on healthy living, nutrition, exercise and Fat Loss

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Fat Burning Diets That Work

Which Fat Burning Diets Work?

The best approach for healthy weight loss is through naturally boosting your metabolism while gradually reducing calories. We'll review how many calories you should reduce to start burning fat. I'll explain why eating more meals more frequently will burn more fat, and how to calculate the calories you need to reduce per day for optimal results.

Understanding Calories For The Purpose Of Burning Fat

One pound of fat is equal to 3500 calories. So in order to lose 1lb of pure fat in a week you will need to lose 3500 calories. You can do this through exercise or diet or both. Now that's pure fat and doesn't include water weight loss as well. So in reality you will lose closer to 2 lbs. 2lbs a week is the sweet spot and that's exactly where we want your metabolism. I know we're an instant gratification seeker... but 2lbs a week will lead to permanent fat loss.

Here's why

We want to naturally increase your bodies metabolism through eating 5-6 smaller meals a day, instead of the traditional 3. This has two benefits, the first will cause your body to be continually digesting and the process of digestion burns calories, the second benefit is you won't spike your blood sugars with larger calorie meals. When you ingest more calories than you can burn they get stored as fat. Smaller more frequent meals will boost metabolism and the calories get burned off before they can be stored. This method will increase the amount of calories you burn throughout the day and even while you sleep.

Any Fat Burning Diet That Works Will Give You A Tailored Diet Plan

You can quickly find out how many calories you need to ingest to sustain your current weight.
Take your current weight and multiply it by eleven. This will give you the amount of calories your body needs to keep you at your current weight. To lose a 1lb of pure fat a week, you need to reduce your sustaining calorie number by 500. Remember as you lose weight this number changes as you lose weight. Keep adjusting your calorie allowance each week. Don't exceed 500 calories per day anything more will actually slow down your metabolism, due to your body thinking it's starving. When your body thinks your starving it shuts down all fat burning. We want the opposite, so keep calorie reduction to 500 per day this includes any exercise too. This is a sure fired way to lose fat permanently easily and is the groundwork of some of the best fat burning diets that work.

The top 4 ways to Burn Off Love Handles.

A secret tip to jump start Fat Loss.

Click here to discover the #1 secret to permanent weight loss

Fast and Easy Fat Loss Without Dieting

Want to achieve fast fat loss? If you only have a few pounds to lose, there's no need to go on a restrictive diet. Just make a few simple changes.

Here's how.

1. Start a Weight Loss Journal

Research has shown that people who keep a "fat diary" or weight loss journal not only stick with their diet longer than those who don't, they also lose more weight, and keep that weight off.

These are just some of the reasons you'll find keeping a journal helps. Your journal can be a notebook, or on your computer.

If you find the idea of writing daunting, or don't have much time, keep your weight loss journal in a spreadsheet program. Use these columns: Date, Breakfast, Morning Snack, Lunch, Afternoon Snack, Dinner and Evening Snack.

2. Drink More Water

Water helps your body to work the way it's meant to work. Drink water right throughout the day. especially 15 minutes before a meal. Water acts as an appetite suppressant, which means you'll be less hungry.

If you don't like the taste of plain water, add a couple of sprigs of mint or lemon slices to a jug of water and refrigerate it. In summer, you can warm a large mug of water with a slice of lemon in the microwave before you drink it.

3. Eat Small Meals Four to Six Times a Day

If you're eating three meals a day, try eating six smaller meals a day. Eating more often keeps your metabolism humming.

Ensure that you have healthy snacks. Ideas for great snacks include some fresh fruit salad (cut up the fruit for the next day the night before), low-fat yogurt, a little dried fruit, or even a piece of bread.

4. Eat More Protein

Low-carb diets are heavy on protein because protein satisfies you.

Try it yourself. Eat a couple of slices of turkey, or a couple of small pieces of cheese on a sandwich for lunch. This should satisfy you until mid-afternoon. (If you're still hungry immediately after eating, eat another slice of turkey or cheese.)

You can lose weight fast - visit 30 Day Slimmer for more information on fast, healthy diets and easy weight loss. Subscribe to our ezine and receive a free vegetarian cookery book.

The Thirty Days To A Slimmer You Blog keeps you up to date with what's new in healthy weight loss.

Click here to discover the #1 secret to permanent weight loss

Fast and Easy Fat Loss Without Dieting

Want to achieve fast fat loss? If you only have a few pounds to lose, there's no need to go on a restrictive diet. Just make a few simple changes.

Here's how.

1. Start a Weight Loss Journal

Research has shown that people who keep a "fat diary" or weight loss journal not only stick with their diet longer than those who don't, they also lose more weight, and keep that weight off.

These are just some of the reasons you'll find keeping a journal helps. Your journal can be a notebook, or on your computer.

If you find the idea of writing daunting, or don't have much time, keep your weight loss journal in a spreadsheet program. Use these columns: Date, Breakfast, Morning Snack, Lunch, Afternoon Snack, Dinner and Evening Snack.

2. Drink More Water

Water helps your body to work the way it's meant to work. Drink water right throughout the day. especially 15 minutes before a meal. Water acts as an appetite suppressant, which means you'll be less hungry.

If you don't like the taste of plain water, add a couple of sprigs of mint or lemon slices to a jug of water and refrigerate it. In summer, you can warm a large mug of water with a slice of lemon in the microwave before you drink it.

3. Eat Small Meals Four to Six Times a Day

If you're eating three meals a day, try eating six smaller meals a day. Eating more often keeps your metabolism humming.

Ensure that you have healthy snacks. Ideas for great snacks include some fresh fruit salad (cut up the fruit for the next day the night before), low-fat yogurt, a little dried fruit, or even a piece of bread.

4. Eat More Protein

Low-carb diets are heavy on protein because protein satisfies you.

Try it yourself. Eat a couple of slices of turkey, or a couple of small pieces of cheese on a sandwich for lunch. This should satisfy you until mid-afternoon. (If you're still hungry immediately after eating, eat another slice of turkey or cheese.)

You can lose weight fast - visit 30 Day Slimmer for more information on fast, healthy diets and easy weight loss. Subscribe to our ezine and receive a free vegetarian cookery book.

The Thirty Days To A Slimmer You Blog keeps you up to date with what's new in healthy weight loss.

Click here to discover the #1 secret to permanent weight loss

Maximum Fat Loss For Men

When trying to lose weight, often guys think of only the weight portion not the fat part. Losing fat as well as weight is important. This is because simply losing weight does not mean you are healthy. Your body has to rid itself of extra fat that can clog arteries that can cause dangerous health problems.

Fat also affects your body's cholesterol. Some people may not be considered overweight yet they are still unhealthy because fat in their body's cells. Therefore, effective programs for improving health as well as reducing weight go for maximum fat loss.

One very important and effective point is what we eat. What we put into our mouths can really effect our health. One suggestion is looking at the nutritional information of food packages. Instead of looking that calories look at the grams of fat listed. Some foods have a lot more fat than what is good for us!

Also, cutting down on carbohydrates is another aspect to look at. Sometimes "bad" carbs can gum up our body's system, making us retain fat and weight. With carbohydrates, it is better to eat whole grains. These kinds of carbs are full of fiber and will get your body's system more cleaned out.

Watch out on your chosen diet plan as well. Some diets suggest you eat more fatty foods, that will supposedly help you lose weight. However, this can be harmful and almost shocking to your body.

Instead, go for more lean protein options and balance that out with fruits and vegetables.

Check out my favourite low carb crock pot recipe for your fat loss diet.

Visit my website, Fountia.com to read about how to lose man boobs

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Quick Review on Fat Loss 4 Idiots

The Fat loss 4 idiots is a Web-Based budget diet program and has helped millions of people lose weight fast and efficiently without having to take Diet Pills or other dangerous weight loss substances. The best part is that you don't have to worry about calorie or carb counting.

The main point behind the Fat Loss 4 Idiots program is that it guarantees that you will lose 9lbs. every 11 days. It helps you succeed in doing so because it allows you to build yourself your own diet plan.

Unlike other Diet programs, the Fat Loss 4 idiots has a diet generation system that lets you simply pick out the foods you like, and then puts together an 11 day diet plan for you to follow. The good about this is that you can still eat the same foods you want to, just in moderation.

This system works because it shows you how to use your metabolism to the maximum level by consuming the right food at a certain time of day, and by rotating the foods you want to eat. This is basically tricking the bodies metabolism to actually burn more fat.

It's a clear straight forward system packed with plenty of helpful suggestions to help you get a grip on how what you eat effects you. Fat Loss 4 idiots also clearly shows you how making permanent changes to the types of foods that you eat and the repeating patterns of how you eat will help you lose your fat once and for all.

If you can dedicate yourself to a "fun" and "easy" diet, and your ready to lose your body fat for good, then the Fat Loss 4 idiots program is right for you.

If you are serious about Losing Weight and you want more information on the Fat Loss 4 Idiots program then visit the Fat Loss 4 Idiots - Information Overload .

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One 'Fat Loss 4 Idiots Diets' Tip To Blowtorch Body Fat

Fat loss 4 idiots Diets has sensible eating plans and promotes healthy eating habits.

It encourages you to eat more, in fact, 4 healthy mini meals a day that includes protein, fiber, carbs and healthy fat.

With Fat Loss 4 Idiots, you won't be eating the same meals every day, and will not left be feeling hungry for more.

However, to ensure that you prevent any disappointments - and get the maximum benefits out of Fat Loss 4 Idiots, you must use the right type of workout to lose weight.

If you are new to fitness training, then starting with a light walk daily is highly recommended. And as your fitness gradually improves, look at increasing the intensity, and get some resistance training like body weight exercises into your workout.

Once you are at the level of fitness that warrants more challenging training, then you must get onto a combination of interval training and 'total body' strength workout. This combination of training is far more effective than the steady state cardio - and will get you better body-sculpting results.

With constant variety in your training, you will continuously challenge your body, and stimulate it to use more energy (i.e. calories and fat) during the recovery period to repair the muscle and replenish the energy used.

Now this will pump up your metabolism.

Add this with the Fat Loss 4 Idiots variety in meals, your body will constantly work to burn more calories. Hence burn more body fat.

Improving your lifestyle habits is all about getting your diet right followed by using challenging workouts to get the maximum fat loss result.

The key here is - Fat Loss 4 Idiots Diets plus a combination of Interval Training and 'Total Body' Strength Training will blowtorch your body fat.

For more on Fat Loss 4 Idiots Diets, visit http://www.squidoo.com/fatloss4idiotsreviews and Discover How to Lose 9lbs Every 11 Days Using The Best Diets That Actually Work.

Click here to discover the #1 secret to permanent weight loss

Body Wraps - Inch Loss Or Fat Loss?

There has been a century long debate about the effects of body wraps on our systems. Do they create inch loss, fat loss, or both? Read on for a detailed discussion.

Body wraps have been around for hundreds of years. Originally, body wraps' sole functionality was to stimulate circulation in areas with blood pooling or clotting. These wraps date all the way back to the ancient Egyptians. However, over the past thirty years, due to increased testimonials, and scientific evidence there has been an heated debate amongst healthy professionals trying to determine if some body wraps can facilitate fat loss rather than just inch loss. Body wraps have become a very common cosmetic tool and are growing very popular in the home, salons, and spas.

An Inch Loss Body Wrap

There are two different types of body wraps, and both of these types can facilitate intense moisturizing and conditioning of the skin. However, the functions of the two are very different. The first kind of body wrap, creates inch loss mainly from water elimination. These water elimination wraps can be a life saver if you have a large event, anniversary, or an occassion when you want to look exceptionally slim, but, the inch loss is really only temporary.

A Fat Loss Body Wrap

The second type of body wrap aides in fat loss by helping the lymphatic system relieve the body of stored toxins. These wraps stimulate a process called lymphatic drainage, where toxins and fatty acids from your bloated fat cells are released into the capillaries and eliminated along with the bodies normal waste. Drinking large amount of water is common to help facilitate the detoxification and fat loss. The results from this type of body wrap might not be as immediately drastic, but the inch loss is often permanent.

The concurring thought amongst most health professionals is that fat loss can be facilitated by a body wrap if healthy food habits are maintained. But, the majority of body wraps on the market today simply remove excess water weight and can be misleading. Most experts agree that body wraps won't serve much of a long term purpose if exercise and diet aren't a normal part of your daily regimen.

If you are looking for a real FAT LOSS body wrap, I'd highly suggest checking out: Lose Abdominal Fat Quickly

Pat Walsh is a highly respected author, and considered an expert in the fields of weight loss and nutrition.

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Fat Loss 4 Idiots Review - Real Or Scam - You Decide

I'm going to talk about THE Good The Bad And the Ugly! The good meaning the parts that work! The bad the stuff that might not work! The UGLY

OK lets begin Fat Loss 4 Idiots Review,

the good'

Fat loss 4 Idiots starts off by talking about why most diets fail. They specifically address LOW FAT, LOW CALORIE, and LOW CARBOHYDRATE diets. They do explain what happens to your body on these diets. It talks about how your metabolism slows down and instead of losing the lbs. you end up storing fat. This is a natural thing for the body to do.

The site talks about and supports calorie shifting. This is when you change the type of calories that you consume. One of the best things about the diet is that you get to eat 4 times a day. Now we all know the worst part of any diet is feeling hungry all the time. Well with this diet, Fat Loss 4 Idiots tells you to eat 4 times a day and by doing so you will not be as temped to cheat between the meals. That is not all that Fat loss 4 idiots will do for you. Fat loss 4 Idiots has something called a menu Generator that that will generate meals for you to make and enjoy. This takes all the guess work out of trying to find out what cook and eat.

Are you staying home when you are on a Diet? Well guess what, you don't have to! Fat loss 4 Idiots also helps you with this. They give you info on how to order at restaurants and fast food chains, which is very helpful in the fast paced life we all seem to live in these days.

Summary on the good:

1. Idiot Proof Diet Generator

2. 10 Idiot Proof Rules of Fat Loss

3. Information on how to order at restaurants and fast food chains

4. Allows for a 3 day cheat period every 11 days

5. Plan only costs $27

6. 30- No calorie limits or calorie counting is involved

Now lets talk about the bad

When you first have a look at the fat loss 4 idiots website, it is a little unclear what you are getting. I have read a lot of reviews on this, and some people say that eating 4 times a day is a negative. I will leave it to each person to make that decision for themselves.

Overall, there are some negatives and positives about fat loss 4 idiots. This diet is not for everyone, so make sure to do your research before you dive into it!

OK now its time for the ugly.

And yes some people may not like this. But even myself in the 1980's have done this. Spandex - Please stay away from this! Please

For more information, please visit my website at http://fatlosssite.blogspot.com

Please visit my blog at http://fatlosssite.blogspot.com/

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Fat Loss Genie

If you have ever been the typical yo yo dieter where you have lost a few pounds only to put it back on again, then you are not alone. People everywhere are trying diets with little or no success and all thats lost at the end of the day is self esteem and quite often - a lot of money!

The Fat Loss Genie plan is different. You would not say it s a diet - it makes you change the way your food it eaten.

The Author of this book David McGimpsey was just a typical person who had tried all the diets going. Like a good deal of people, he fell by the wayside on more that one occasion for a number of different reasons:

  • The diets are more like a starvation plan
  • They seriously cramped his lifestyle
  • Easy to fall off the wagon and go back to the old eating ways
  • Any weight lost quickly went back on once he started eating normally again

David is not a dietitian or a health professional, but after years of doing what the industry told him to do, and after years and years of coming up without any real results, he decided to do his own research and find out the real facts behind losing weight.

He decided to skip out on all the medical books and research articles and do things his own way. He interviewed people that he knew who had never dieted before a day in their life. The people that he had envied for so many years.

He asked them questions about what they ate, how they ate it and when they ate it. Surprisingly he found out that they all had one thing in common... and it didn't have a thing to do with a "high metabolism" like everyone thinks.

These people don't know that they are doing anything different from the rest of us; they didn't realize they held the key to weight loss success. They were just living their lives and thinking that they were lucky.

But the more people he interviewed and the more he studied and researched their habits, he realized that it was the way they ate their food that caused them to be slender, not what they ate or how much they ate.

David then put the "skinny people" eating habits into effect in his own life. He didn't cut any calories or deny himself of any food... he just made some changes to the way he ate his food.
Amazing results followed and David was able to lose weight easily and keep it off.

The information and lessons that David learned have now been put into the Fat Loss Genie Book.

For more information on the plan and a link to the Website where you can purchase the book, please visit:


Click here to discover the #1 secret to permanent weight loss

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Burn 9 Pounds of Fat Every 11 Days With Fat Loss 4 Idiots!

The best weight loss diets should not be perfect, it should not be restrictive - and it should not deprive you from eating your favorite treats.

It should be flexible and balanced - which Fat Loss 4 Idiots is. Therefore, if you are currently struggling to get rid of stomach fat, and have always been on a high processed and fatty food diet, then Fat Loss 4 Idiots will improve the way you eat.

Fat Loss 4 Idiots Diet is a cheap, easy to understand, no complex science diet to start with.

- You will learn the type of foods that will help you lose weight.

- As well with Fat Loss 4 Idiots Diets, you will learn how you can still Drink Alcohol and still Burn Fat.

- You will learn which foods you can order at restaurants and still burn fat.

- And learn how to shop at the grocery store for the right foods to boost your fat burning metabolism.

But if you want to lose 9 pounds in 11 days then Fat Loss 4 Idiots probably isn't the product for you, as this is unlikely to happen. Anyway it is not safe - this Fat Loss 4 Idiots Review really needs to point out that the majority of people will not lose weight this fast.

Lastly, for only $39 - backed with a money back guarantee - where can you go wrong?

Again, I would like to point out that the education of a good eating habit is in itself the best value - and will last you a lifetime.

So use Fat Loss 4 Idiots, and educate yourself to eat better - stay healthy and be consistent.

Overall, if you follow the step by step, easy to use instructions, you WILL lose body fat. Stick to the 11 day meal diet once you start, and you'll see results of Fat Loss 4 Idiots.

My Brother, who was 30 pounds overweight 7 months ago -- has tried the Fat Loss 4 Idiots diets, stuck to the meals, learned from it - and has lost the stomach fat. His goals were sensible and attainable - and he has changed his lifestyle for the better.

Remember: motivation and taking control is the key. With personal fat loss, YOU are the only one who controls the outcome. Success can definitely be yours - only if you are consistent with your new found habits!

Fat Loss 4 Idiots Works.

Remaining overweight is no longer your fate. You now have a choice to become thinner and lose 9 pounds of unsightly fat every 11 day with the only diet system proven to work. Get more information at http://practicaltipsforhealthierliving.blogspot.com

Click here to discover the #1 secret to permanent weight loss

Best Type of Cardio For Fat Loss

The goal in any fat loss exercise regimen is to choose activities that consume large amounts of oxygen. This is because the body burns 5 calories for every liter of oxygen that it consumes.

Therefore, what do you think would be the best type of cardio to do for fat loss?

Well, let's look at the typical options. Running, biking, swimming, elliptical, rowing, walking, stair climbing/stair master, upper body ergometer, and obviously many outdoor sports such as cross-country skiing.

So there are many forms of cardio to choose from and they all work. It's important to always remember that. All forms of exercise will work in the long run given the right training program and consistent effort.

But we're interested in not only what works but works what best for burning fat! We want to get the best bang for our buck, right?

Since the goal is to maximize oxygen consumption (and thus VO2) it is essential to find activities that will recruit the greatest amount of muscle. This is because the more muscle that is needed to perform an activity or movement, the more oxygen that will be needed to supply those working muscles. Make sense?

Oxygen is the precursor to all the energy your body produces. Your working muscles need oxygen otherwise they will quickly fatigue and will be unable to perform their functions.

It is well known that athletes in sports that require large amounts of muscle have the highest VO2 max (maximum aerobic capacity) because their sports demand a massive supply of oxygen to their working muscles. As such, the highest VO2 max on record exist not in runners (as many would think) but rather cross-country skiers and rowers.

Think about that for a second. Both cross-country skiing and rowing involve just about muscle in the body working against resistance. Both the upper body and lower body muscles are pushing and pulling a given resistance which makes these sports not only great aerobic training tools but also fantastic fat burning cardio machines.

If you've ever watched Olympic rowing you will have undoubtedly noticed towering men and women stacked with large and lean muscles. Most of the male rowers are upwards of 6'4'' and 220 lbs of shear muscle, making them calorie-burning machines.

These male and female rowers can get away with their large frames because rowing is not a true weight-bearing sport. In fact, this terrific sport idealizes large muscular athletes because they can produce a lot of power, both aerobically and muscularly, through their large muscle mass.

However, If you took these same rowers and asked them to run at the same intensities at which they row, they would most likely have a difficult time - not only because of the specific nature of running but also because they would be "carrying" a lot of mass.

How many 6'4", 220 lbs runners do you know of? Most runners are slim and slight. It simply makes their movement much easier. Less weight to carry means less effort. If you have a tough time envisioning this, then I encourage you to go for a run with a 20 lbs pack on your torso. You will immediately notice the difference.

Similarly, most cross-skiers don't exhibit the same physical stature as rowers. However, their aerobic capacity is astronomical. Yet, they are more similar to runners in physical stature as cross-country skiing is a weight-bearing sport and thus does not reward athletes with lots of weight, even if it's muscle.

Energy Expenditure (Calorie Burn) in Various Activities

Activity (per 1 hour)
130 lbs 155 lbs 190 lbs

Cycling, 10-12 mph

Cycling, 12-14 mph

Running, 5 mph

Running, 7 mph

X-Country Skiing, 8mph

Walking, 3 mph

Rowing, vigorous effort

As you can see from the above chart, running burns more calories than other activities, at the same intensity. It is therefore the most effective type of cardio for burning fat and helping you lose weight.

There are two main reasons for this.

First, running is weight bearing which means that the muscles of your lower body must work harder to support you and propel you forward; thus, expending more calories. Therefore, the heavier you are, the more calories you will burn (assuming equal intensity as someone who is lighter).

Second, running is one of the least efficient of human movements, which means that it produces a lot of heat/energy expenditure for its movement. This also means that a lot of calories are being spent. This is great for those who want to lose weight but not so great for those looking for efficient modes of movement.

But it makes sense if you think about it. Cycling is easier than running, right? That's because cycling is one of the most mechanically efficient human movements, meaning that more of the energy you put into the movement actually results in movement (and not as much heat production as running!)

But we're interested in what burns calories and fat, right? Therefore, running is your best option. Find me an overweight runner and I'll be amazed.

Fat Loss Expert, Yuri Elkaim helps millions of busy health conscious individuals lose fat while bettering their running performance with just 2 interval training runs per week. Watch his new You Tube Video for a complete guided interval training workout! And as a special bonus, you'll receive a FREE special offer to receive one of Yuri's FREE Treadmill Trainer iPod running workouts to help you get fit and running faster with just 2 short runs per week!

Click here to discover the #1 secret to permanent weight loss