loss fat

Insomnia health

Diabetes health

Asthma health

Monday, June 23, 2008

Natural Weight Loss And Weddings

When you are planning for your wedding, it seems like your whole life moves very fast at times, and extreme slow at other times. The same holds true for when someone tries to lose weight for their wedding day. While wedding day weight loss is a common thing, as most people want to look as fabulous as possible on their special day, it should be done in a very natural way. Many weddings are marked

How to Lose Weight Before the Big Day

Wedding day weight loss can be a very challenging fete. It takes a lot of patience, commitment, exercise, and change to achieve weight loss success. While it is not an easy task, it is absolutely attainable.

Your wedding day is such a special day. For most, it will be the most important event of their lives. Weddings are usually highly planned, greatly anticipated, and quite costly. From

Lose Weight For Your Wedding Day

Looking \"runway perfect\" is a wedding day ideal for many women. Some will do just about anything to make their wedding day perfect, including going after quick, fast wedding day weight loss programs. Like a wedding, weight loss takes planning. The same efforts that you put into your wedding planning, taking care to ensure that you have the most lovely flowers, delicious food, and space for your

Top 10 Tips To Lose Weight For Your Honeymoon

Everyone wants their wedding and honeymoon to be wonderful life experiences, with the bride and groom looking and feeling their absolute best. While some may set their weight loss goals with only their wedding day in mind, others will be completely focused on dropping the weight for the honeymoon. Honeymoon weight loss is most likely a more intimate type of weight loss expectation, as the goal is

The Do's and Don'ts of Wedding Weight Loss

When you want to lose weight for your wedding day, there are a few \"do\'s\" and \"don\'ts\" that you should really consider. These few pearls of wisdom can make the difference between a great, slimmer you and a not-so-ideal you. If you have found that your lifestyle is not optimal or, even healthy, than a wedding day weight loss plan may not be the best thing for you. You may need to think more

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Fat Loss Made Possible

Generally people confuse weight loss with fat loss from the body. This is a serious misunderstanding. Well-being of a person depends on a certain amount of fat in the body. Fat is emergency storage of energy in your body. Indiscriminate fat loss from the body can be dangerous.

Clinically men are considered obese if their body fat level is over 25% and women are considered obese if their body fat

Can Alli Weight Loss Work For Us?

Normally following a tight regime of a controlled diet and regular exercises are the measures prescribed for weight loss. Most of the people find it difficult to follow these measures over an extended period.

It is claimed that with Alli you can escape these grating restrictions and can follow near-normal routines; slowly but steadily you can manage to lose weight and lead a healthier life. Alli

Can water help you lose weight?

Many people are very skeptical of the suggestion that water can play very effective role in helping them achieve weight loss. Very few people realize that a large proportion of our body is water. Naturally it plays a very important part in our existence. 75% of the lean muscle tissues are water, over 80% of blood is water, body fat and bones account for over 20% of water each. Is it surprising

Do The Benefits Of Alli Outweigh The Side Effects?

What is Alli anyway? It is an FDA approved OTC weight reduction product available in the form of pills. Its main component is chemical. It is not a medicine, it is not a dietary supplement, it is not a fat burner; it is a fat blocker or fat binder. It is a relatively new product and is definitely one of the popular weight loss products on the market today.

Since excess calories happen to be the

Fast Weight Loss That Matters

Excessive weight in a person could be the result of heredity or genetic disorder (which is beyond the person\'s control); it may have resulted from the person’s food habits, life style, the nature of work and activities the person routinely engages in, etc. Except in cases of genetic disorders or heredity, generally you gain weight over a long period of time and with reasonable awareness towards

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Is Quick Weight Loss Possible?

Lose considerable weight quickly by a pill. This is a concept that you may have often come across while watching TV. Is this really a true promise. How will you identify a true promise of such ads. Watch out diet pill commercials for the below cited things:

o Do they suggest diet and work out plan?
o What are the pill’s side effects?

Most of these quick weight loss pills have small effect

The Best Natural Weight Loss Supplements

Hundreds and thousands of individuals shed weight problems by natural way without the fear of any side effects. By drawing the power of natural herbals and supplements, you can also lose your weight considerably.

Natural weight loss by means of herbals and supplements is often effective as well as safe, if you make use of it avidly. By natural weight loss, you not only loose unhealthy and

Top 10 Weight Loss Tips

If you add the below mentioned weight loss tips in your day-to-day lifestyle, you will not only feel better, but also look better. Avoid trying to do all these weight loss tips at once, since they do not work well with everybody.

Pick one, and practice it for a week, see if you are comfortable, if not choose another one. If you really want to reduce your weight, then have patience since you may

What Are The Top 10 Diets?

Atkins Diet

The Atkins diet is the most admired of the top 10 diets. This low-carbohydrate diet encourages the elimination of carbohydrates from your diet. The diet really works and you can munch as much as fats and proteins you want. However, before starting this diet, study a bit to know the suitability of this diet for your body.

South Beach Diet

This diet is one of the most successful of

What weight loss exercise programes actually work?

The most ideal and healthy weight loss exercise programes are:

o Something that you love (wish) to do
o Something that you may do daily for 30 to 60 minutes
o Something that may make you better and slim

Exercise does not mean that you need to do regular workouts. It also includes watching TV, reading books and sleeping. It is all about something that make you move around and rejoice. If you

Are Slimming Pills Dangerous For You?

It is a human tendency and need to fix a problem as fast as possible and the same is with over weight people, as they naturally want an instant remedy to lose weight. Many people, especially younger women believe that the easier way to lose weight is by using slimming pills.

People who take slimming pills feel that they have total control over their actions and they will stick to their

Can The Cabbage Help You To Lose Weight?

The cabbage soup diet is a short-term weight loss diet rich in fiber and low in fatty substances. It helps to lose your body weight rapidly. The main emphasis of this diet is simply plain cabbage soup. Dieticians recommend that the more you stick to this diet, the greater will be see a reduction of weight in your body

The cabbage soup diet is a seven-day diet plan, aimed to achieve rapid weight

Can Weight Loss Surgery Help Me With My Weight Issues?

Weight loss surgery is a usually perceived as a surgical procedure that decreases the size of your fat around the body, thus this enables you to lose a significant amount of weight. It is a permanent procedure, which requires a lifetime’s commitment to maintain a healthy lifestyle.

Weight loss surgery not only helps you to lose weight, but also helps you to improve your overall health,

Is Alli The Right Product For Me?

Alli is a beneficial drug to assist in your weight loss efforts. However, in this product’s case, you really do not need to have a prescription for buying weight loss pills. Doctors prescribe Alli for overweight adults, who struggle to get rid of their additional pounds. With its convenient access and weight loss promises, you can really shed your weight considerably.

Alli is a low strength

Friday, June 20, 2008

Will the Mediterranean Diet Work for Me?

The Mediterranean diet is surely one of the hottest things you can try today as any hardcore dieter can tell you. It seems to be quite easy to follow being a lot less restrictive than other diet plans and wine consumption is actually encouraged (with moderation, of course, what did you think?)

A lot of people both medical professionals, nutritionists and dieters seem to believe that this is the

Free Diet Plans Can Work for You

Dieting web sites and dieting plans are so successful that it's almost a given that anybody can find the perfect free dieting scheme on the internet. Free diet plans are, well, free - you don't pay anything upfront. But many people don’t trust them having a good reason. The famed "cabbage soup diet" or the "3 days diet" are just two random examples of diet plans that will never work and can even

What are the Alternatives to Xenical Weight Loss Pills?

In an age of medical break-through, can modern medicine play a role in the battle against today’s obesity epidemic? Xenical has traditionally been a prescription only capsule prescribed to obese patients, and recently, the FDA gave the thumbs up to an over the counter version - Alli. Both products contain the active ingredient Orlistat, a lipase inhibitor that helps prevent fat being absorbed

The Diverticulitis Diet Defined

Diverticulitis develops from a condition called diverticulosis. If you're older than 40, it's common for you to have diverticulosis - small, bulging pouches (diverticula) in your digestive tract. In the United States, more than 50 percent of people older than 60 have diverticula. Although diverticula can form anywhere, including in your esophagus, stomach and small intestine, most occur in your

Are There Some Diets that Will Never Work?

There are diets that work for certain people, there are diets that do not work for certain people and then there are diets that never really work for anybody at all. Dieting is the most popular past time in the Western world and, makes no mistake that this is not a women-only issue. If you are a man and want a lot of women around you, then you have to stay fit.

Pessimists would say that a diet

Eating a Healthy Diet

One of the important things you can do for your overall health is to eat a healthy diet. Your diet affects your weight and increases your risks of health diseases. Deciding a healthy diet is easier to say than to do because it is tempting to eat less healthy foods. Different people decide different healthy diet because you might eat this kind of diet while others just cannot stand the food you

Diet Coke Can Help You Lose Weight

Is Diet Coke a safe replacement for regular carbonated beverages? Can it really help you lose weight or, at least, is it a good choice when it comes to cutting calories? There are as many pros and cons to Diet Coke as with anything else in the world. Some people would say carbonated beverages are a definite no-no when it comes to a healthy life style and a seriously committed weight loss program,

Is Your Diet Helping You Lose Weight?

The way you diet can do wonders for your body-image and health in the long run or it can forever ruin your hopes for looking gorgeous and feeling great. Everybody is into dieting today, regardless of whether they're doing it knowingly or not. We all believe that we should eat more broccoli and a lot more raw fruits and vegetables and less fat and so on.

And for the most part of our lives we do

Is Fast Weight Loss through Exercise Possible?

We are obsessed as a society with having everything on demand. If we decide we want a new car, we have to have it now, women freak out if they cannot get pregnant the very minute they've decided they want to have a child and if we think about weight loss, then it must surely be fast weight loss. We can't settle for anything less!

Fortunately it's been already proved that fast weight loss pills

Are All Natural weight Loss Plans Beneficial to Your Health?

All natural weight loss plans sound almost too good to be true. Is it even possible to lose weight, look and feel great without being forced into an unnatural diet or without taking dangerous drugs?

Well, if you want to lose weight, you have to have a plan. You have to set some goals and pursue them. And you have to be patient. There is no such a thing as fast weight loss. You cannot take a pill

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Healthy Cholesterol Levels

Before you start eating your favorite, you might want to know whether you’re having too much cholesterol. Few years ago, many were not aware what cholesterol level is but with all the information everywhere people are becoming aware how their cholesterol levels affect their lives. You have to remember that you are what you eat and what you eat has something to do with your cholesterol. What is

Weight Loss Remedy - Overcoming Weight Loss Excuses

We often make excuses when it comes to losing weight. Because of this, we stop ourselves from doing our diet routine, gain more weight and get disappointed in the end. How do you stop making those weight loss excuses?

You make many weight loss excuses and it automatically comes in without realizing it. Losing weight is not that easy but you have to discipline yourself. Next time, ask yourself

Young adult fitness protects heart health in middle age

The early bird catches the worm and the early jogger doesn’t have to worry as much later on in life. I know that this may sound like some half-baked self-help slogan, but it’s the truth. The sooner you start to take care of your body, the better your health will be.

A study conducted by the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute revealed that cardiorespiratory exercises performed in the early

You Can Do It

These are 9 things every man should set a goal for. Look up the word "fit" in the dictionary. Does is say anywhere how much a man should be able to lift or how fast her should be able to run? No. So we can't find a real definition of what fit means. Use this as your dictionary and get fit with us. Before you call yourself "in shape" try these rules. Any man can follow in the and if you can't go

Yo-Yo diets

Most people who have ever tried dieting have at one time or another gone through yo-yo diets. These are the classic ideal of all those who don’t like what the measuring tape is telling them about their waists and thighs. Everybody wants a diet and some pills that can help them shed a significant number of pounds fast. In a week or two, if possible. However, all those pounds that you have been

Where diets go wrong

The first reaction of most people who discover that they’ve put some weight on is to eat less food. It sounds simple enough and reasonable. Since food is what got us into trouble it follows that eating less of it will make everything right again. Nearly every diet or eating plan in the magazines or on the Internet says pretty much the same thing: eat less food. Therefore the answer to this

Weight Watchers

Welcome to the weight loss version of the Alcoholics Anonymous. Weight Watchers is not so much a diet as a combination of low fat nutrition, exercising and group counseling for those who lack the motivation to lose weight on their own. The main feature of the program is, of course, the weekly meetings where members gather to discuss their dieting experience and to swap war stories, or something

Top 10 fitness mistakes

Nearly every guy or gal who’s tried dieting or fitness has dropped out of a program at least once. Such is life. Work and social events tend to get in the way, lack of adequate emotional support saps the willpower and boredom sets in. Eating the same kind of foods every day is boring. Suiting up at the gym only to go through the same motions is also boring. But this kind of mood can be avoided

Want Abs

Training the abdominal muscles has recently been the subject of more misinformation and mythology than any other part of the human anatomy. Gizmos and gadgets allege that they'll give you those coveted "six-pack" abs. But here's how you can rationally train your abs to their absolute maximum limit of development using everyday gym equipment. There is nothing unique about abdominal muscles as far

Too Many Calories

How many calories do you need? Well, that depends on a lot of things. Your age, sex, type of work, physical activity, all come into play. There is no one answer for this type of thing. I have to warn you, I don't believe the general ideas on how many calories a person should have. If you have a 2,000 calorie diet, you are starving yourself. I know that some people live and die by this number, but

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

The Zone Diet

The celebrity diet par excellence. It’s trendy to be in the Zone and it’s nice to be in the company of stars, to go through what they have gone. The Zone is also a nice sounding name, good for all kinds of marketing purposes. One of the things that have made this diet a success among celebrities is the fact that a lot of diet food delivery companies have included Zone foods in their menus. Those

The Ultimate New York Body Plan

This one is more of a power diet, in the sense that you can only pull it off with a lot of willpower. The short-term results are bound to be spectacular, but as always, there is no guarantee about the long-term ones. Some diets are very strict on which foods are allowed and which are not, while others focus on achieving a balance between dieting and exercise. The Ultimate New York Body Plan is an

The X-Factor Diet

Well, it seems that people who cannot come up with an original idea, can at least think of a trendy name containing the eye-catching and product selling letter “X” and maybe even a reference to the popular X-Files series. I know that the X-Files series is now ancient history, but so are the glory days of the Atkins diet and of many other low carbs diets. However, this doesn’t mean that low-carbs

The Traffic Light Diet

The Traffic Light Diet relies on what may probably be the best-known color code around to teach the user which foods should be avoided and which should be consumed in greater proportions. This diet focuses on cutting down the amount of calories contained in the daily food, instead of carbohydrates. Nothing new here, for that matter; a lot of diets are based on low-calorie foods. The cabbage soup

The South Beach Diet

The South Beach Diet is one of the odd fishes swimming in the treacherous waters of the international weight loss industry. Many people love it and are perfectly willing to swear by the good name of M.D. Arthur Agatston, while others find it hard to stick to the obligatory induction phase. The South Beach Diet belongs to the low-carbohydrates group of diets and has been derided as a fad diet,

The Sugar Addicts’ Diet

Sugar seems to be addictive to a certain degree. The human body learns fast that sugar means energy and that a lot of energy running through the system translates into a good overall mood. Unfortunately, the good mood lasts just as long as the amount of sugar in your blood stays above a certain level. Once the amount of sugar drops below that particular level, the mood changes and the body starts

The Slim Fast Diet

Some diets advise dieters to eat large quantities of vegetables, others try to make people eat a single food for a whole day. The Slim Fast Diet has the shake. It sounds pretty much like what the folks at Herbalife are pushing, although it may be the other way around. Diets are a dime a dozen these days and it’s hard to keep track of who came with which idea and when. So let’s discuss instead the

The No Carbs after 5PM Diet

Carbohydrates seem to be one of the banes of our existence. Sure they take away the nasty feeling of hunger that makes us reach out for foods that we should not eat, but they’re still on the list of most wanted culprits in many cases of big bellies and fat thighs. Small wonder that many diets focus directly on cutting off the access to carbohydrates. These are called low-carbs diets and are among

The Mayo Clinic Diet

Welcome to the Mayo Clinic Diet that doesn’t come from the Mayo Clinic. This diet is a strange idea that has been floating around for a long time, despite the fact that it is not endorsed by the Mayo Clinic. Once again dieters are face to face with the misleading idea that somehow grapefruit burns fat, which leaves the dieter free to indulge in high fat food like ham and eggs for breakfast and

The Grapefruit Diet

The Grapefruit Diet is one of the fad diets that were really popular back in the 1980s although it has been in one form or another since 1930. Most of the time, the grapefruit diet has been discounted by experts as dangerously unbalanced or simply unable to deliver on its promises. It was generally thought that consuming vast quantities of grapefruit cannot influence weight loss in any way, which

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

The Curves Diet Plan

Try as we might, we cannot be creative all the time. Not all ideas are original enough and the harder you try, the more difficult it seems to get something decent out of your own head. This is one of the reasons why some people simply use something that has already been proved to work, add a little twist and try to pass it off as a new idea. The Internet, for instance, is choke full of websites,

The GI Plan diet

One of the most interesting ideas to take the dieting industry by storm is the Glycemic Index. The index was compiled in the early 1980s at the University of Toronto and is a ranking system for carbohydrates based on their immediate effect on blood glucose levels. Carbohydrates that break down rapidly during digestion and are easily converted to glucose have the highest glycemic indexes. Those

The Coconut Diet

Some people are willing to sell anything and this is why some bad ideas are actually launched on the market, much to the dismay of unsuspecting customers who are duped by the hype and advertising. One such bad idea is the Coconut Diet, which is yet another of those diets that add some kind of miracle ingredient to a strict eating program and hope that everything turns out great. The magic

The Cabbage Soup Diet

Ahh, the famous Cabbage Soup diet. Most people interested in dieting have certainly heard of this one. many of them have actually tried some version of it. Since nobody has ever claimed to be the inventor of this diet, there is no definitive cabbage soup diet, but rather a string of versions floating around magazines and the Internet. Every expert who tried to promote this diet has either added

The Beverly Hills Diet

From the star-studded hills located near Hollywood comes a diet rich in fruit and lacking sound ideas about weight loss. Really, if weight loss was so simple, there would be no problem for anybody to drop as many pounds as desired just by eating fruit. Nevertheless, a fruit-based diet sounds good to some people and so one may run into the happy statements of those who managed to lose weight by

The Body Clock Diet

All diets are based on an idea that’s supposed to make them different. Aside from the basic “eat this and don’t eat that”, diets have to have an original twist in order to be noticed by the general public. Standing out in the crowded field of the modern dieting industry can sometimes make the difference between success and failure and even a good idea needs to be promoted. The same can be said

The Abs Diet

Going through diet after diet, sooner or later everybody ends up thinking that there’s nothing more to learn. Frankly, it doesn’t take long to get exhaustive hands on experience with just about all the major dieting concepts and to learn in which way each of them is supposed to influence the body. And once you’re familiar with all the pros and cons of dieting, it’s only fair to think that nothing

The Atkins Diet

Can you say hype? If you’re living in any Western world country then you’ve probably heard of the famous Atkins diet. Whether this is the most successful diet ever or not it’s still up for debate, but it certainly is the more advertised one. The Atkins diet has been for a while the most hyped eating plan around and millions of people have tried it at some point or another. This is no exaggeration

Stress Your Life

We've long known that middle-aged men are much more likely than women to have high blood pressure--about 36 percent of men versus 23 percent of women between the ages of 45 and 54. And, since high blood pressure can lead to stroke, it's not surprising that many more men die over from these "brain attacks”. The explanation for this difference between the sexes has been lifestyle. Men are more

Prevent heart disease

Heart disease is one of the leading causes of death in both men and women around the world. While many people fret about cancer or Alzheimer, hundreds of thousands of men and women around the world die of heart disease before they get to the age when Alzheimer becomes a problem. Living in today’s world, one cannot help but hear stories of high blood pressure, heart attacks and other such problems

Monday, June 16, 2008

Power Drinks

We all see ads for power drinks and energy bars. How many times have you seen a coach get some Gatoraide poured over his head? I've seen it so many times it makes me sick. I don't even watch football that often! So, should you consume such things? It depends on who you are really. That is what will tell you the answer. The types of things that you like to do. Are you the average Joe? You want to

Out The Fat

Most of us are looking for easy ways to loose weight. Well, here today we will talk about how to do just that. It might not be as hard as you might think. We all have friends who pack on the double patty burgers with two extra large fries each day. After they swallow this, they will go onto eating a whole bag of candy and wash it down with a half gallon of milk. Sound like some of your college

Planning Your Diet

We have plans for everything these days. That is how we can fit 100 different things into each day. While to an extent this seems a bit over doing it, some things do need to be planned. I don't know why we don't plan our diets. I mean, we plan everything else. Some people even plan on when they will have sex. Hence, the birth of hump day. Why not spend a few minutes and plan out what you will eat

Negativity and your health

In our quest for a life as healthy as possible we often overlook that moods and attitudes play a very important role in our health. A happy and relaxed person is always healthier than one who goes through a period of depression or who has to put up with a lot of stress. There’s only so much that the body can compensate for before the overall health starts to suffer. These negative moods can

Low Fat Desert

No meal is over unless there is a desert involved. If you are here in America, you know that most of the deserts out there are bad for you. They are loaded with salt, sugar and or fat. We have become a nation of junk food addicts. I do have a theory on this. I think that when a group of people experience wealth, their diets change. I know that this is simple and even a moron can come up with

More Myths

When it comes to myths, food and sex are the ones that have the most. I think this is because these are two things that we have to do in life. We have to have sex or we don't reproduce. We have to eat or we will die. There isn't much choice when it comes to food. Here we will discuss more of the food myths. Bookmark this article, because you are bound to learn something new. Our food supply isn't

Lose Weight with Water

The human body is mostly water trapped inside the fragile walls of cells. We drink water to maintain the optimum level of hydration in our bodies, to flush the toxins out and cleanse the body, to cool off, to keep the joints working and to help the food digestion process. The minimum daily recommended water intake is 2 liters, because this is how much water the body uses throughout the day

Increased fitness level fights metabolic syndrome

The metabolic syndrome is a combination of medical disorders that, taken together, increase a person’s risk of developing diabetes and cardiovascular diseases. The syndrome affects a high number of people, especially in the developed countries where the number of overweight people is quite high. The list of symptoms includes insulin resistance, high blood pressure, being overweight with fat

How to avoid becoming a fitness failure

Few things are worse than trying to get your body into shape and failing. It takes quite some courage to start on a fitness program and it takes willpower to stick to it and avoid ditching it a couple of days later. Unfortunately, more than half of the people who decide to take up a fitness program do so on a whim and drop out within the first six months. Boredom, busy schedules and a feeling of

Healthy Life Style

Even though we all dread the thought, we all must think about our bodies at some point in our lifetime. I know for many years I either pushed it aside or felt uncomfortable thinking about it. It isn't always an easy thing. I have never been uncomfortable with my appearance per se. I guess you could say the problem was that to identify my body, meant I had some responsibilities. Not only that, but

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Five Ways to Start Losing Weight

Some people find it hard to stick to diets and consistently fail to lose weight. They try nearly every kind of new dieting idea that comes along hoping that one of them would finally work, but the miracle never happens. Naturally, these people tend to overlook their own mistakes and fail to understand what prevents them from losing weight. The human brain displays a remarkable ability of ignoring

Fighting fat

Dealing with being overweight or obese and the consequences of these conditions is a daily nightmare for some people. Many people are overweight because of their own lifestyle choices. Others have ended up with a lot of extra weight through no fault of their own. These people have to face everyday the prejudices of others and to live in a world that doesn’t always take kindly to them. An

Fat, yet fit

Is there such a thing as being fat, yet fit? Can fat people get away with overeating by keeping their muscles trained and strong? The Mayo Clinic says they can’t. It seems that all those extra pounds mean extra trouble no matter how much exercising is performed each day. Fat is simply not good for the heart.

The big question was: can overweight people stay healthy by working out on a regular


Most of us are focused on fat. It is all that we hear about these days. Since the time we are kids we are told that fat is bad for us. Some people are more worried about calories than fat. To be honest you should be worried about both. You need to make sure that your diet isn't full of junk food. You should be getting your calories from foods that are good for you. Who cares about not eating any

Fast Lunch Ideas

If you are a working man, you know how important lunch is. You can't function without a good lunch. A good lunch is the difference between feeling great during the afternoon and feeling worn out. Many times we skip on lunch. We don't either eat the right things, or don't eat at all. I know several people who don't eat any lunch at all. Especially women, they think they can skip this meal and not

Fast Food

Fast food. Wheither it is tacos or burgers, we all love it just the same. Fast food has become a way of life for some people. They eat it three meals a day. There is no difference between a Big Mac and a steak to some people these days. When I was growing up as a kid, I hardly ever ate any fast food. To be honest we were too poor to eat fast food. Sometimes I think that was a blessing. I mean,

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Fad diets

Every now and them we all tend to look into the mirror and cast a critical eye on our bodies. The internal monologue goes something like this: “I’d say that my ass looks… biggish. Could be the clothes are badly designed. Oh, who am I kidding? I’ve been eating a lot of sweets and junk food lately, so no wonder I’m putting on weight.” The usual result of these pangs of culinary guilt is a hasty


Once again we have a good example of a polarizing diet. Some people love eDiets.com and want to spread the word, while others loathe it and vow to spread the word. It’s the clash of dieters over who’s right and who’s wrong about this program. While this is also the case with many other diets, eDiets.com has been particularly good at annoying both existing and prospective customers due to their “

Do Men Burn More Fat than Women?

Men and women are not built the same way. There is something different in our bodies due to the way hormones change the balance between muscle and fat and shape the size of our bones to respond to different needs later on. In men, the testosterone hormone determines the size of bones, causes hair growth and deepens the voice. It also regulates the size of the muscle mass, which it turn regulates

Diet secrets of Hollywood stars

Diets come a dime a dozen in Hollywood. They practically fall out of the sky. Any doctor or layman who manages to have an original idea or, at least, a new twist on an old idea, and is marginally successful in selling it to the public is thinking of setting up a shop in Hollywood. There’s probably no other place on Earth where diets and any other idea that could keep a body slim are so venerated

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Diet myths debunked

The dieting world is full of myths, hearsay and soundbites. We all have heard them a thousand times, but does that make them true? Is it really a good idea to ban sugar completely from your diet? Is it really a good idea not to touch fat and alcohol ever again? This seems to me like an invitation to failure. Too few people can swear off certain foods forever and stick to the oath. The rest of us


Every day people around the world drink millions of cups of coffee. It has become a staple of life. We see a StarBucks on every corner. Is coffee really this good or is it so addictive? I think it is both really. I think good coffee almost has a sexy taste to it. It tastes rich and full bodied. Not many things can compare to it. Maybe chocolate, but that is another article all together. You love

Diet Comparisons

Probably the most important things people want to know when they think the time has come (again) to cut some of the daily food intake is which diet is the best. Although we are all different beings, we all share the same goal: a diet that can make us thin in no time at all. Some sort of miracle pill or eating plan that makes fat go away and never ever return. That’s actually the second part of

Break the Bingeing Cycle

One of the biggest enemies of a healthy weight, a clear mind and a lifestyle free of guilt is bingeing. Every once in a while some people seem unable to stop themselves from eating or drinking to excess. At the end of the bingeing period, they fall into the other extreme and go on a purge phase that is just as bad as the initial bingeing. The feelings of guilt and shame that characterize the

Basic Work Out

Often, a simple work out can make you feel good in a small amount of time. You can squeeze in these moves during lunch break, or even right before an upcoming date. The best part is, these exercises aren’t too demanding, so there will be minimal perspiration involved. Keep in mind that these routines are not meant for advanced trainers looking for serious muscle growth. They are designed to

Bottled Water

When I think of bottled water I think of hot tennis players gulping it down between matches. There certainly is a stigma about bottled water. Sometimes I think that one of the things around it is, rich people drink it. We see all of these rich famous people on television drinking it. Bottled water certainly has become popular. There is no doubting that. I go to the store and I see more brands

Fitness made simple. Squat thrusts

Everybody understands push ups and sit-ups. They’re simple, straightforward exercises. But to get a shapely and fit looking body you need to get beyond the simpler exercises and put more muscles to work. Dieting can only take you half way through to your goal. The rest has to come from exercises that burn out fat and build stronger muscles.

So, one good exercise that can be easily performed at

A-Z celebrity diet secrets revealed

Nearly all movie stars, TV anchors, top models and singers look like gods. Perfect legs, slim waists, cool hairstyles, tanned bodies. They look effortlessly beautiful, but you should not be deceived by the appearances. Aside from a handful of people, all the rest have to work hard at it. Dieting and workouts are among the most important things in the life of a high-powered star. Because if they

Fitness made simple. Sit-ups

Getting up in the morning and going straight to work or other chores can be a bore. There are days when one simply doesn’t feel like getting out of bed. And this is where exercising can actually help you with a kick start. A quick workout session at the beginning of the day can do wonders for your health, especially if you’re also trying to lose weight.

Sit-ups are one of those exercises that

Fitness made simple. Push ups

What’s the oldest trick in the big book of fitness exercises? You guessed it, it’s the push ups. This exercise is so well known and has been around for so long that I think it must have been performed by Roman soldiers, too. It looks ancient and it feels ancient. But it’s also extremely simple and extremely effective. So, if you want those bulging pectorals, get down and give me 20.

Push ups are

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Too Many Calories (by Bassy)

How many calories do you need? Well, that depends on a lot of things. Your age, sex, type of work, physical activity, all come into play. There is no one answer for this type of thing. I have to warn you, I don't believe the general ideas on how many calories a person should have. If you have a 2,000 calorie diet, you are starving yourself. I know that some people live and die by this number, but

Fitness made simple: Stair Sprinting

Anybody can lose weight; it’s no big deal. You only have to be careful about the food you eat and to make more effort than you usually do. Dieting doesn’t have to mean food deprivation and money spent on gym subscriptions. You can keep your body in shape with simple exercises that do not require gym equipment or professional advice and supervision.

A simple exercise that anybody can perform at

The Many Benefits of Weight Lifting

Most people, especially women, discard weight lifting as a good form of exercise because they think that weight lifting will actually make their bodies look like a man. If you are one of those people, then you might be surprised to know that this is not true. The hormones of man and woman are not the same. The hormone testosterone plays a major role in muscular development. Because women have

The Many Advantages of Herbal Medicine

Nowadays is the era of everything that is herbal and natural. Millions of “all natural,” “all herbal” health and dietary supplements are swamping the markets today. Some of us are puzzled as to where and how the sudden exaggeration for those things started. Maybe it was because we became suddenly concerned and watchful of our health and well-being. On the other hand, maybe the media has so much

The Many Benefits of Exercise

Health experts encourage us to include exercise as a necessary part of our daily routine to promote our general well- being. Together with healthy and balanced diet, adequate rest and relaxation, exercise is recommended to promote optimal health.
People who are usually inactive can improve their health and well-being by becoming even moderately active on a regular basis.
Physical activity need

The Epidemic called OBESITY

Obesity has become a global pandemic affecting the lives and health of millions of people, according to the World Health Organization. It is an accelerating social problem in industrialized countries and is also growing in the former colonial world.
Obesity is very often defined as an eating disorder. However, it is not a simple condition of eating too much. Health experts believe that obesity is

Spicy Foods (by Bassy)

Ah, spicy food. Is there anything better than a spicy meal, especially when it's homemade? There is no one around to tell you that it's too hot, no overly-cautious cook afraid to add too much piquant, and no one to watch as you sweat bullets and gulp down your molten concoction just the way you like it. But can spicy food damage our sense of taste? When do we know we've had too much of it? And do

Power Drinks (by Bassy)

We all see ads for power drinks and energy bars. How many times have you seen a coach get some Gatoraide poured over his head? I've seen it so many times it makes me sick. I don't even watch football that often! So, should you consume such things? It depends on who you are really. That is what will tell you the answer. The types of things that you like to do. Are you the average Joe? You want to

Planning Your Diet (by Michael Messner)

We have plans for everything these days. That is how we can fit 100 different things into each day. While to an extent this seems a bit over doing it, some things do need to be planned. I don't know why we don't plan our diets. I mean, we plan everything else. Some people even plan on when they will have sex. Hence, the birth of hump day. Why not spend a few minutes and plan out what you will eat

Monday, June 9, 2008

Food Labels (by Cheeky Muffy)

If you live in America, you know that all food must be labeled. The only food that doesn't have to be is, food that is in individual packages inside of a box or container. Even with that, the container that they come in have to be labeled. Do you buy your food according to these labels? That makes you feel smart, like a good consumer. What if I told you that those labels are nothing more than hog

New Snack Ideas (by Paul Freegale)

It might be hard for some people to believe, but snacking is actually good for us. Doctors tend to recommend that we snack during the day. Snacking gives us that boost of energy that we need. The problem is, most people snack with the wrong types of food. They will snack with potato chips or with candy. While that is okay from time to time, I wouldn't make a big habit out of it. I would like to

'Natural' Products are Not Always Safe

Many herbs have a long history of use and of claimed health benefits. An herb, or botanical, is a plant or part of a plant that is used for its scent, flavor, and/or therapeutic properties. Although they are so-called ‘natural’, herbal products are not necessarily safe or without harmful effects. They may come from plants, but many plants are considered harmful and poisonous.

Unlike prescription

More Myths (by Bassy)

When it comes to myths, food and sex are the ones that have the most. I think this is because these are two things that we have to do in life. We have to have sex or we don't reproduce. We have to eat or we will die. There isn't much choice when it comes to food. Here we will discuss more of the food myths. Bookmark this article, because you are bound to learn something new. Our food supply isn't

More Food Myths (by Cheeky Muffy)

We all have heard myths regarding many things. I think you all know how I feel about these things. If they aren't true, they end up doing more harm than good. I don't know why we continue to spread myths, but I figure it has to do with lack of education. Myths still exist about diet. I have heard that in some parts of the world that certain meats have myths about them. For example people don't

Mini Meals (by Michael Messner)

Mini meals are a great way to loose weight. When we think of eating several smaller meals instead of the normal three, we automatically think that it will make us gain weight. Hold onto your hat, because you are about to learn something new. It is suggested that if you are trying to loose weight that you should eat six mini meals per day. Why is this? Well, it is quite simple. When we go on a

Milk Shakes (by Paul Freegale)

If you are like me, you have enjoyed milkshakes since you were a kid. When I think of milkshakes, I think of summer time. Drinking something cool and refreshing to cool off on a hot day. As you know, protein is an important part of the diet. I like to make milkshakes that are not only refreshing, but good for me as well. These are easy to make and are a great way of not only getting the things

Meat (by Paul Freegale)

Eating too much meat isn't good for us. We all know if we eat too much it will make us feel run down and tired. Not only that, but there are health risks involved too. A diet in high fatty meats can lead to heart disease and cancer. No one wants that. Some people choose not to eat meat for religious reasons, they believe that it is wrong to kill an animal, or they may want a healthier diet. It is

Low Fat Dessert (by Bassy)

No meal is over unless there is a dessert involved. If you are here in America, you know that most of the desserts out there are bad for you. They are loaded with salt, sugar and or fat. We have become a nation of junk food addicts. I do have a theory on this. I think that when a group of people experience wealth, their diets change. I know that this is simple and even a moron can come up with

Losing Fat Fast: Is it possible

The first thing you need to know if you want to lose fat is that you need to BURN fat. Burning fat is all about using up more calories than you take in. If you eat more calories than your body uses throughout the day, these additional calories will be stored as body fat. To prevent a build up of body fat you need to either reduce your calorie intake or increase your daily activity levels - doing

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Lose Weight by Sleeping

Do you fell that you need to lose weight? Well then don’t just count calories. You might want to count sheep as well.

Recent studies have shown that sleep deprivation disrupts a series of metabolism and hormonal processes. It causes increased hunger and affects the body’s metabolism making it difficult to lose and control weight.

Lack of sleep causes a hormone called cortisol, which controls

How to measure BODY FAT: Your Fat Calculator

When it all comes down to losing or gaining weight, most people turn to the scales to determine how much they should lose or gain to have the weight or the shape that they desire.

However, health experts said weight alone is not a clear indicator of good health because it does not distinguish between pounds that come from body fat and those that come from lean body mass or muscle.

Being over

Herbs for Obesity

Obesity is one of the major health concerns that plague America today. Approximately two-thirds of American adults are considered overweight; while one in three are seriously overweight or obese.

Obesity is defined as having an abnormal amount of body fat; being 20 to 30 percent over the ideal weight for age, sex and height.

Aside from being a major cosmetic concern, obesity is a great risk

Help Your Heart (by Bassy)

1. TAKE THE TEST!. That’s the highly sensitive C-reactive protein test, or HSCRP. It has been found that this blood test is as effective as a standard cholesterol test in predicting heart attacks and strokes. It measures the levels of a specific blood protein that indicates that you have inflamed heart arteries--the kind that rupture and cause heart failure. Seeing as how 50% of all heart attack

Healthy Snacks (by Cheeky Muffy)

No matter if it is while we are watching television or a quick bite to and from picking the kids up at school, we all love snacks. We can't get away from that fact. So why fight it? Our whole life we have been told that snacking is bad for us. It will ruin our apatite, it will make us fat, it will break us out in pimples. Some of it is true, while on the other hand, it is nothing more than

Fruits and Veggies (by Bassy)

We have heard it once we have heard it a thousand time. 'Eat your veggies'. Most of us heard this more than anything during our childhood. All you could think of as a child was when you get older you will never eat another one again. Who needs those things anyway? I hate to break the news to you, but fruits and veggies are a very important part of our diets. You can't live without them. Oh you

Good Foods (by Michael Messner)

We all know that what we eat can help us prevent certain illnesses. We see on television all the time about people who are ill because of their diet. Well, maybe we should say lack of a diet. These people tend to be at risk of disease because they don't have the right things to eat. When people think of health and prevention, I think some of them think about pills and their doctor. To some people

Food Labels (by Cheeky Muffy)

If you live in America, you know that all food must be labeled. The only food that doesn't have to be is, food that is in individual packages inside of a box or container. Even with that, the container that they come in have to be labeled. Do you buy your food according to these labels? That makes you feel smart, like a good consumer. What if I told you that those labels are nothing more than hog

Food Addiction (by Michael Messner)

Everyone from time to time gets a craving for a certain type of food. Sometimes we just crave something to eat. No real reason, other than to eat. Sometimes this can be because you are bored, or because you seem something suggestive about food. How many times have you seen a television commercial advertising burgers and it made you want one? This is healthy. We all do it. Hell, I'd say that we


Most of us are focused on fat. It is all that we hear about these days. Since the time we are kids we are told that fat is bad for us. Some people are more worried about calories than fat. To be honest you should be worried about both. You need to make sure that your diet isn't full of junk food. You should be getting your calories from foods that are good for you. Who cares about not eating any

Saturday, June 7, 2008

Fast Lunch Ideas (by Cheeky Muffy)

If you are a working man, you know how important lunch is. You can't function without a good lunch. A good lunch is the difference between feeling great during the afternoon and feeling worn out. Many times we skip on lunch. We don't either eat the right things, or don't eat at all. I know several people who don't eat any lunch at all. Especially women, they think they can skip this meal and not

Fast Food (by Paul Freegale)

Fast food. Wheither it is tacos or burgers, we all love it just the same. Fast food has become a way of life for some people. They eat it three meals a day. There is no difference between a Big Mac and a steak to some people these days. When I was growing up as a kid, I hardly ever ate any fast food. To be honest we were too poor to eat fast food. Sometimes I think that was a blessing. I mean,

Dieting Myths Revealed (by Cheeky Muffy)

Are you tired of spending tremendous amounts of time and energy on something that doesn’t even work? The truth is no miracle pill or gadget will suddenly cut your body fat by huge amounts. Instead, concentrate on adapting a healthy lifestyle and avoiding old wives’ tales when trying to stay lean. FALSE. It’s true that eating nutritious foods such as vegetables, fruits, whole grains, and skim milk

Diet and Sleep

The food you eat not only contributes to the quality of your weight and general health, but also on how well you sleep. Some foods help you sleep better. While others can make sleep difficult or even impossible.

Foods that improve sleep include fruits, green leafy vegetables, whole grain breads and cereals, and mushrooms. Even spices such as dill, sage and basil help with sleep problems.

A Guide to Common Herbs

Herbs are nutritional foundation nutrients and good alternative medicine to nourish the body's deepest and most basic elements. Medicinal herbs have been used safely and effectively since the time of recorded history for an endless list of reasons from health, healing, weight loss/gain/maintenance, to survival and more. Herbs can offer the body nutrients it does not always receive, either from a

Cholesterol: Good or bad?

In today’s world, almost everything is free… not that everything has no price. It just seems that we have reached the era where we become more aware of our health conditions. Thus, it seems to be the era of everything that is -free. Try scanning every available product in your local grocery and you will see what I mean.

Your bread is bromate-free; your yoghurt is fat-free; your cooking oil is

Burning Fat

In general, people will practice cardiovascular activities and forget about weight bearing exercises when it comes to burning fat. Many trainers will say that aerobic exercises burn off fat and weightlifting is only used to build muscle bulk. This statement is not entirely correct because the more muscle mass one acquires through weight bearing exercises, the more he will burn fat calories...even

Caffeine (by Paul Freegale)

If you are like me, this is a weakness of yours too. I digest way too much caffeine each day. I probably have at least six or more servings each day. More than I should consume in several days. I drink too much cola. That is my problem. Not only is it loaded with sugar, it has caffeine in it too. A cup of coffee in the morning to get you going isn't going to hurt. It can help you wake up and be

Breakfast Ideas

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. I'm sure that you heard that all the time when you was a kid. But, it is true. Breakfast is one of those meals that people today tend to skip. I really don't understand this. Maybe this is why people are so uptight in the morning. They have the shakes from not eating. You might have a busy lifestyle, but you need to make sure that you have time for

Bottled Water

When I think of bottled water I think of hot tennis players gulping it down between matches. There certainly is a stigma about bottled water. Sometimes I think that one of the things around it is, rich people drink it. We see all of these rich famous people on television drinking it. Bottled water certainly has become popular. There is no doubting that. I go to the store and I see more brands

Friday, June 6, 2008

Binge Eating

All of this time we have talked about what to eat and what not to eat. Though, that is only part of the solution to a good diet. There is something that we also need to talk about. What we haven't talked about is eating habits. When you should and shouldn't eat. That is as important as what you eat. Why is it important? It is important because you don't want to binge eat. You don't want to eat a

Blender Ideas

One of the things that I have noticed about single men is, they don't have the right tools in the kitchen. I have never understood this really. I mean, if you are single or in a relationship, you still need to eat. I have known men that didn't have a can opener or a pot big enough to cook pasta in. One thing a man should never do with out is, a blender. It is a good for many things in the kitchen

Bad Food (by Michael Messner)

In this day and age of heart disease, we all need to be careful. Did you know that 50% of men will die from heart disease? It is sad, but true. It is important that you watch what you eat. Not only if you are a body builder, but even if you aren't one. All of us should be concerned about our diet and our health. Take some notes and make sure that you pay attention. I'm sure there will be a few

Appealing (by Paul Freegale)

It is often said that we eat with our eyes. Though this might sound stupid, think about it for a second. You know that we are attracted by the opposite sex with our eyes. You wouldn't go down on a woman who you weren't attracted to would you? So, we do eat with our eyes first. It is important then when dealing with a new diet that we understand that we do eat with our eyes. It is important

How to Lose Unwanted Weight

With social and career success being firmly rooted in modern life, physical appearance is more important than ever. The popular image of a successful person seems to be built around fitness in both the physical and moral aspects, a sort of a physical and moral correctness. Therefore many people are interested in keeping themselves in shape, especially after a winter of eating heavier food at the

20 Food (by Michael Messner)

The one problem that most single men have is, they never have a well stocked pantry. This can cause major problems. If you don't have a stocked pantry, you are more likely to fill up on snack food or even worse, fast food. You need to make sure that you have a well stocked pantry so that you can cook healthy meals without much effort. Don't know what kinds of things that you should always have on

To take vitamins or not to take vitamins? (It's best to eat right, but if you find it difficult, a multivitamin can help)

It's absolutely important that our body gets the nutrients it needs to function effectively and efficiently. However in this modern time it has become more distinct that we tend to supercede health with convenience and instant gratification. In this fast paced world where career and education demands all our time, we learn to favor what's quick and easy to obtain especially when it comes to food.

Kicking the habit – putting an end to fast food and snacks in your diet

It’s always easy to gain weight and damned hard to lose it. Eating is one of the true pleasures in life and refraining from food has huge physical and psychological implications that cannot be easily discarded. Nobody likes to have to give up a pleasure, which is why many people drift farther and farther into fat without doing anything to stop the process. Moreover, recent data showed that the

Exercising – why you should take the trouble to do it

Exercising is a bore for many people. Although workout fans like to claim that others are simply too lazy or too spoiled by the modern sedentary lifestyle to exercise on a regular basis, this is not always the case. Some people have far too busy daily schedules to squeeze in another time and effort consuming activity. Not to mention that a significant number of people find the endless repetition

From fat to shapely – tips and tricks to get that J. Lo look

Whether you’re a babe or a guy, you have to face it: J Lo is hot, hot, hot! And the biggest thing all men are crazy about in her is that round and shapely butt. And while men go bananas over J Lo pics, women swallow their envy and start looking for ways to acquire the same shapely ass and hot looks. I’m willing to bet that gyms managers got more business from ladies envious of the Latin American

The causes of obesity

Obesity is caused by unhealthy eating combined with sustained lack of activity. If food gives you more calories than you burn, your body turns on the storage program and puts on fat. This is the basic idea behind obesity.

Disorderly eating habits are the top reason why people becaome obese. With neither the time, nor the inclination to control one’s meals, it’s no wonder people get fat all over

Obesity – a review

Most people think that obesity goes no deeper than a less than fashionable look, but they are wrong. Obesity today is an epidemic, a disease spreading fast across both the industrialized world and emerging economies.

Obesity means having too much fat on your body. First and foremost, obesity puts a strain on joints and bones that have to sustain more weight than before, which leads to arthritis

Common Myths From The Weight Loss Crowd

Myth: You’ll be OK with a high protein/low carb diet
Fact: This type of diet aims to secure most of the daily required amount of calories from protein foods, such as meat, dairy products and eggs, with a very small part taken from foods containing a lot of carbs (bread, pasta, potatoes and fruits). The biggest problem with this diet is that many common and popular foods are forbidden, which makes

Things to avoid when trying to lose weight

Dieting is not always easy. In fact, it can prove a tough challenge for many people. So here’s a little guide to avoiding things that could make you lose control and start eating. Avoid them like plague if you wish to succeed.

1. Don’t rush into the toughest diet you can find.
This is a common mistake. Many people decide in a moment of desperation to follow a super-strict diet and fail. Don’t