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Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Basics On Fat Loss Training

I know you're ready to get started, but there are a few more things to discuss. A hazard of starting a new lifestyle is the possibility of burnout. You know how children beg for the latest toy, but a week later they're tired of it? It's the same with many adults and healthy living. They start out excited and ready to go, but a few weeks down the road they want to stay in bed all day eating vanilla ice cream. And soon they don't want to exercise at all. Avoid this problem by:

1. Starting Slowly. Don't go from zero to 100 in one week. Doing too much too quickly can result in burnout or injury. If you haven't exercised in awhile, aim for at least 30 minutes of physical activity per day. Intermediate exercisers can start with 30 minutes of combined cardio and aerobic activity. Advanced exercisers can up that time to 45 minutes, including weight training.

A small aside about women and weight training: Many women avoid lifting weights for fear of turning into The Incredible Hulk. They think they'll eventually develop massive manly muscles. But the truth is casual weight training helps you burn fat, and tones your body into a sleek and sexy machine.

2. Focusing on Consistency Instead of Intensity. You'll want to gradually increase the intensity of your exercise, but consistency is also important. Any exercise is better than no exercise. So even if you can't do the exact workout you'd planned, try to fit in some form of physical activity - no matter how little.

3. Changing Your Routine Every Month. Nothing encourages burnout like doing the same ole' routine day after day. Spice up your workouts. Prevent boredom by trying new things, or alternating the types of exercises you do. This will also challenge your body and keep your metabolism going strong.

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